Prognosis | Stiff neck


A stiff neck can initially be treated well with warmth and light movement. As a rule, the complaints disappear again after one or two days. If no improvement is noticeable despite heat treatment, a physiotherapist or masseur can be consulted.

The specialists can work on the neck and neck muscles with targeted movements, relieve the joints and correct malpositions. If the stiff neck appears for the first time or there is still no improvement after one or two treatments by a physiotherapist or masseur, a doctor should always be consulted. In this way, diagnostics can be initiated to uncover any rare causes for the complaints and appropriate therapy can be started. In the very rare cases when a serious disease is behind the stiff neck, the duration of recovery depends on when the treatment started and what the corresponding cause for the complaints was.


Frequently, a stiff neck develops with anyway already underdeveloped or weak musculature. In order to prevent a stiff neck, muscle training should be carried out in any case. Regular physical training is always recommended.

It is also the simplest and most sensible method to reduce or completely eliminate pain and discomfort in the neck and neck area. Daily exercise in the form of walking, jogging, cycling or swimming also helps to strengthen the body, activate the immune system, increase bone stability and strengthen the muscles. Even simple things in everyday life can increase the level of movement and prevent a stiff neck.

For example, the stairs can be used instead of the elevator, and more often people can do without the car and walk or ride a bike. It is also possible to prevent drafts. As a precaution, the neck can be protected and warmed with a cloth or scarf when staying in air-conditioned rooms or driving in an open car.

Heat applications or blood circulation-promoting ointments or massages can already be used for mild muscle tension and thus counteract the stiff neck preventively. It may be necessary to correct posture (under the supervision of a physiotherapist) and to train relaxation techniques for the neck muscles. Computer screens should be set below eye level so that the neck muscles can be relaxed while working on the computer.