Prognosis | Tracheitis


The prognosis for tracheitis is generally good. Healing of viral tracheitis usually occurs independently within one week. If the symptoms persist for longer than a few days to weeks, the risk of an additional bacterial infection (so-called “superinfection“) increases, so that antibiotics should be administered. If the symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, a thorough clarification should be carried out to rule out other causes for the tracheitis.


A concrete prevention of tracheitis is not directly possible. It is possible to strengthen the immune system through a balanced diet and physical activity. In general, it is recommended to refrain from the consumption of harmful substances such as tobacco. Apart from this, there is the possibility of humidifying the ambient air, especially when it becomes dry from the heating system in the cold winter months, and thus preventing irritation of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.