Prognosis | Underweight


With underweight, the prognosis varies depending on the cause. The hyperthyroidism can be remedied by medication or even radioactive radiation and the thyroid function and subsequently the weight can be normalized. More serious diseases such as tumor, AIDS or tuberculosis are also partly treatable and the prognosis varies with the severity of the disease.

People who are genetically underweight without deficiency symptoms have little to fear for their quality of life and life expectancy. Statements on the prognosis for eating disorders are generally difficult. In general, about 50% of those affected remain more or less abnormal in their eating habits throughout their lives, even if their weight returns to normal.

The chance of complete relief from the eating disorder is the higher the earlier the disorder is detected and treated and decreases the lower the weight of the affected person has fallen. Even if one type of eating disorder is successfully treated, another type of eating disorder can occur at any time and the vicious circle can start all over again. Overall, 10% of those affected still die of the eating disorder and its consequences despite good treatment procedures in Germany. If one suffers from an eating disorder, the chance of contracting another mental illness, such as depression or an addiction, e.g. to alcohol, is also increased and the chance of restoring complete mental and physical health is further reduced.