Promotion of giftedness | Characteristics of giftedness

Promotion of giftedness

In order to promote an existing high talent, concentration games are particularly advisable. For this purpose, we have developed a game in combination with a game manufacturer, which can playfully promote giftedness. Through the combination of concentration and games, different goals can be reached very well.

We place particular emphasis on the high quality and workmanship of this game.Only the correct interplay of high intellectual capacity (IQ greater than or equal to 130), creativity (for example in problem solving), perseverance and performance motivation Performance is based on different components and is influenced by many aspects and side effects. Due to these influences, a highly gifted person can remain undiscovered. Especially in connection with ADS or ADHS, or with dyslexia or dyscalculia, giftedness may remain undetected.

The extent to which genetic dispositions (= individual factors) really do develop is particularly dependent on external factors which have a considerable influence on these dispositions. Even if a person can only lose intelligence through illness, the degree of education is crucially dependent on the accompanying factors (family, domestic support, friends). Developmental advances can manifest themselves on different levels. It is conceivable to have advances in the spiritual-intellectual area, but also in the artistic-aesthetic, motivational or social area.


Achievers are those highly gifted children and adolescents who, due to their high intelligence (IQ from 130), perform at a level of achievement that they are considered capable of due to their high level of talent. Achievers, too, may have some problems with themselves and the environment due to their high level of giftedness, but their performance is in line with expectations.


There is a certain percentage of the highly gifted who remain undiscovered because their academic achievements do not give the appearance of being highly gifted. This group of the highly gifted is called underachievers – they achieve less than their intellect could allow them to. They are unable to translate their intellectual abilities accordingly into (school cognitive) performance.

In addition to underachievement, there are also children and adolescents among the highly gifted who have problems in one area of schooling. The highly gifted can also suffer from dyslexia or dyscalculia.