Prophylaxis | Coccyx pain during pregnancy


If you are aware of the fact that coccyx pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, you can take very good preventive measures. Strengthening the back and also the pelvic floor muscles is therefore not only therapeutically but also prophylactically useful. Furthermore, regular pregnancy exercises can reduce the symptoms of coccyx pain.

Swimming also has a positive effect on the muscular parts and is a gentle way to exercise, especially during pregnancy. In order not to provoke pressure pain in the coccyx, it is advisable to avoid sedentary activities as much as possible and to create a comfortable base for yourself. The cytology and colonoscopy already mentioned are not only part of the diagnostic procedure, but are also an important measure in the context of preventive medical checkups.

Coccyx pain is not necessarily a characteristic sign of pregnancy, but it can certainly be triggered by pregnancy. Coccyx pain during and after a pregnancy can assume enormous proportions. Normal sitting may not be possible without extreme pain.

If the pain is so severe that everyday work at home or at work can no longer be managed without severe pain, you should consult your family doctor or, if necessary, your gynaecologist. They can try to help you to achieve a pain-free pregnancy either with medication or with specific physiotherapy. If these measures do not have any effect, your family doctor may be able to issue a temporary medical certificate.

A ban on employment may only be issued by the doctor if the working conditions at the workplace pose a danger to the mother or child. Such a regulation falls under the Maternity Protection Act. The coccyx pain that a woman can have during pregnancy usually has no effect on the baby.

The pain is caused by a loosening of the pelvic ring and the muscles sitting there. This loosening is completely natural and in most cases even essential for the forthcoming birth of the baby. The loosening and thus widening of the pelvic ring ensures that the baby can emerge naturally through the birth canal.