Prophylaxis for affected persons | Protein S Deficiency

Prophylaxis for affected persons

Compared to other clinical pictures, no positive influence on anticoagulation has been proven to date in the context of a special diet. However, doctors recommend a change in diet in cases of severe overweight to a full, vitamin-rich diet with as much Mediterranean flavour as possible with the aim of general weight reduction. This has a fundamentally positive effect on the cardiovascular system, but has no specific preventive benefit in the context of a protein S deficiency.

In order to prevent thrombosis, regular exercise and the wearing of support/compression stockings is highly recommended, especially in risk situations such as a long flight/bus journey. If the patient has already suffered a thrombosis, he or she should follow the instructions of his or her doctor very closely and conscientiously take the prescribed medication to prevent recurrence. To counteract the occurrence of a frequent complication of a thrombosis that has occurred (the so-called post-thrombotic syndrome), the patient should wear compression stockings daily.