Prophylaxis | Inflammation at the navel


As a prophylactic measure for newborns one can pay attention to sufficient navel hygiene. The navel should be kept as dry as possible and free of urine or faeces. If an umbilical infection is suspected, it is important to act as early as possible, since the spread of germs is a major risk.

In the case of inverse psoriasis, clothing that is too tight can be avoided prophylactically, which has an abrasive effect on affected skin areas. Scrubbing often worsens the symptoms. When choosing a piercing as well as trousers one should always pay attention that high-quality materials are used, which have a low allergenic risk. Furthermore one should pay attention to a sufficient hygiene in the area of the navel as well as on the whole body.


If an inflammation of the navel is treated early, the probability of complications is rather low. However, if you wait too long or do not notice the inflammation at the beginning, the germs can quickly be carried over the “open gate” of the navel into the bloodstream. As a result, a so-called sepsis as well as an inflammation of the peritoneum can occur. It is possible that accumulations of pus, known as abscesses, can form in the liver. Another possible complication is an inflammation of the inner layers of the heart, known as endocarditis.

Baby’s navel inflammation

Inflammations of the navel are relatively common in children and infants. In most cases, a beginning inflammation becomes noticeable by a reddening of the navel. This is mainly due to bacteria that are normally found on the skin and then migrate into the navel.

Inadequate cleansing, also encouraged by poor accessibility, can then lead to an infection of the skin in the navel. Very deep-seated navel can further complicate cleaning. Untreated or very severe infections of the navel can also cause the inflammation to spread and spread to the inner abdominal area. In severe cases, a fistula duct may also form between the navel and the abdomen. In this case, urgent surgical treatment is urgently required.