Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the lip


Insofar as it is within your power, you should avoid the trigger of your lip inflammation. If you have known allergies that lead to inflammation of your lips, you should avoid the triggering substance. Also make sure you eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise to counteract diseases such as diabetes or vitamin deficiency symptoms.

If you are among those who like to bathe in the sun, always make sure that you have sufficient skin protection by using appropriate sunscreen. If an inflammation of the lips has already developed, you should avoid direct sunlight as far as possible! On cold and wet autumn days, which can lead to a quick drying of the lips, the use of a caring lip balm is recommended.

Function of the lips

The lips fulfill a variety of functions: They represent the gate to the oral cavity and thus enable us to eat. Especially in small children, the lips are a distinctive organ of touch with numerous nerve endings through which they can grasp unknown objects. Furthermore, the lips participate in speech formation and, as a component of the mimic musculature, enable us to express feelings through targeted muscle movements.

In addition, the lips are among the so-called “sexual arousal” mediating organs. In society, plump, well-formed red lips are perceived as attractive and sensual. The blood circulation of the lips is provided by the facial artery.

In some people, the red of the lips appears more intense, which is due to the fact that our lips are relatively thinly stringed with three to five cell layers and, in light skin types, fewer skin pigment producing cells are present, which cause the lips to darken.Consequently, the blood vessels shimmer through the lips and the red of the lips is perceived. Our lips have no hair, sebaceous glands or sweat glands, so they lack a protective layer that keeps them supple and kills pathogens. This is also the reason why our lips dry out quickly, become brittle and cracked. If the lips are completely affected with redness, swelling or pain, we speak of lip inflammation.