Prophylaxis | Lordosis


A hollow back can be prevented and it is also highly recommended to do so! It is sufficient to change your posture frequently during the course of the day. Whoever sits a lot should stand up, whoever stands a lot should walk around a little.

These simple measures are already a good first step. In addition, you should also ensure a good, upright posture at all times in everyday life: the shoulders pull slightly back and down (“away from the ears”) and the chest a little forward, the stomach and buttocks – and if possible the pelvic floor – become actively tensed and stabilize the spine. If these measures are not yet sufficient, they can be combined with a special back school.

In these courses, often sponsored by health insurance companies, the back is specifically trained with the aim of improving posture and reducing pain. In addition to or instead of this, intensive training of the musculature of the middle of the body (i.e. mainly abdomen, back and buttocks) can help to prevent a hollow back. A stable trunk is not only more powerful overall, but also ensures good posture and prevents the body from tipping over into the hollow back.

Observing these measures can be very strenuous at first. But after some time, the implementation becomes so natural and everyday that you don’t even have to think about it and you intuitively want to relieve your back.