Prophylaxis | Lymphoma therapy


Since lymphoma/lymphoma is suspected to have a genetic mechanism of origin, no prophylactic measures are known.


Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a malignant disease that has a good cure rate. Between 80 and 90% of patients can be cured. The longer the relapse-free period, the higher the chance of a cure.

The prognosis for chronic lymphatic leukemia is very good. Although no cure is possible with medication, the disease can be contained and may remain asymptomatic for a long time. In many cases no treatment is necessary.The most common complication is infection, which can sometimes turn the development of the disease into a negative one.

The prognosis of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (lymphoma) depends on the respective subgroup. The continuous development of drugs has led to a 5-year survival rate of 90%. If an early relapse occurs, the chances of recovery are worse than for later relapses. Further interesting information can be found under:

  • Lymphoma
  • Lymphoma symptoms
  • Lymph node cancer
  • Lymph nodes swollen lymph node swelling ear lymph node swelling groin
  • Lymph node swelling ear
  • Lymph node swelling in the groin
  • Lymph node swelling ear
  • Lymph node swelling in the groin