Prophylaxis of calf pain | Pain in the calf

Prophylaxis of calf pain

Unfortunately not all calf pain can be prevented. A healthy lifestyle, plenty of exercise, avoiding overweight, and avoiding alcohol and nicotine can help to prevent especially the pain caused by vascular diseases. In order to avoid muscle soreness during sports activities, regular muscle stretching after exercise can prevent the pain.


Pain in the calves can have numerous causes. These can be harmless in the context of muscular overloading, or they can be signs of injury. These pains usually occur in direct connection with intense sporting activity or an accident.

If the pain is recurrent, especially after a short distance, which subsides at rest, there is a suspicion of vascular calcification. This can also be an indication of further calcification, especially of the coronary vessels. These are associated with a significantly increased risk of heart attack.

Inflammations, which appear as overheating, swelling and redness, should be treated with antibiotics. If a spinal disease is suspected, the diagnosis can be made using imaging techniques. In most cases, surgery is then necessary.

As part of the diagnostic procedure, the patient’s medical history is first taken and a detailed clinical examination is performed. Furthermore, laboratory parameters are determined. Further examinations, such as imaging procedures, follow.

The therapy generally consists of a healthy lifestyle and a lot of exercise. Depending on the diagnosis, surgical or angiographic interventions may become necessary. Since vascular calcifications in particular can be indicative of an increased risk of heart attack, persistent pain in the calf should be examined by a physician.