Prophylaxis | Pain in the cervical spine


In order not to develop pain in the cervical spine area in the first place, it is essential to ensure the correct posture. Regular strengthening exercises of the musculature in connection with stretching exercises have a protective effect. Overweight should be reduced.

Especially people who are frequently exposed to stress that promotes neck pain should make sure that they find ways to cope with this stress. This can be done on the one hand by physical exercise, but also by talking to psychotherapists. Conscious time out and relaxation exercises can help to avoid the neck pain.

In general, drafts and abrupt turning movements of the head should be avoided. If you are mainly sitting at the computer, you should make sure that the screen is at eye level or slightly below so that the neck muscles are not constantly overstrained. It is best to take short relaxation breaks in between, in which the cervical spine and the corresponding muscles are consciously relaxed.


Since most neck complaints are of uncomplicated origin, they usually disappear on their own after a maximum of three weeks. However, people who suffer from neck pain due to psychological tension and stress can be plagued by it at irregular intervals. With appropriate prevention and change of lifestyle with sufficient movement and strengthening of the musculature, however, freedom from complaints can often be achieved.

If the pain has already become chronic, it is often more difficult to treat it successfully. They return more frequently and can be very persistent. However, intensive therapy, which also depends largely on the patient’s cooperation, can often bring about an improvement. The prognosis of complicated neck pain depends on the underlying disease.