Prophylaxis | Pain in the facet joint


Pain in the facet joints or anywhere else in the musculoskeletal system is often very treacherous. Those affected are quickly tempted to move less due to the pain. However, this quickly leads to a vicious circle, because the less movement, the greater the pain.

Nowadays we know that exercise is the best therapy, especially for back pain. Rest and bed rest make the situation worse and make it more difficult to return to normal everyday life. The therapy of pain in the area of the facet joints and also the prevention of pain consists of targeted training to restore mobility and resilience.

Strengthening exercises for the back and chest musculature play a role, but general and regular physical exercise is just as important. Of course, very painful movements should be avoided, as they are a warning sign of the body when the load becomes too heavy. This does not mean, however, that a long walk, a bike ride or a few lanes in the swimming pool are not still possible.

This strengthens the muscles and improves mobility. It may be helpful to take a painkiller such as ibuprofen before exercise, as exercise is very important but should not be done in pain.