Prophylaxis | Skin cancer of the face


Prevention is the most important and effective way to prevent skin cancer from developing on the face. The face is not covered by clothing and is therefore the part of the body that is most exposed to sunlight. White skin cancer occurs especially on the face of older people, as many years of harmful UV radiation cause irreparable damage to the genetic make-up.

The most important measure to prevent skin cancer of the face is to avoid excessive sun exposure during the hours of the highest intensity of radiation. Wearing shade-giving headgear and using sunscreen is sensible and should be carried out consistently. Sunburn on the face must be avoided at all costs and solariums should not be used. All persons with statutory health insurance are entitled to a so-called skin cancer screening every 2 years from the age of 35 onwards, in which a qualified doctor examines the entire body skin for skin cancer in order to be able to detect and treat possible malignant changes at an early stage.