Prophylaxis | Stiff neck – symptoms, causes and therapy


In order to avoid neck stiffness, which is mainly caused by incorrect posture, the correct posture or sitting position should always be observed in everyday life. Particularly when sitting, it is important that the back remains straight and the upper body upright, that the knees are at right angles and that the feet are flat on the floor, about hip-wide apart.When working at a desk, the forearms should also lie at right angles to the tabletop so that the upper arm and shoulder areas are loose and do not cramp. In general, the closer the arms and hands are to the body, the more relieving the position is for the back and neck muscles.

Screens and monitors on the desk should also always be placed in such a way that the upper edge is at least 50 cm away from the head, approximately at eye level, in order to avoid a permanent head tilt up or down that causes tension. The optimal monitor height for the neck muscles is when the view falls slightly downwards in a correct sitting position. It is also important to avoid using a telephone with the handset trapped between the ear and shoulder: in order to prevent neck tensions caused by this position, supporting technology such as headsets or hands-free kits should be used.

It is also important to take breaks and change positions in everyday life so that the neck muscles can be stretched, the back stretched and the shoulders relaxed. Balancing sports to strengthen the back and shoulder muscles, such as swimming, light endurance running and cycling, can compensate for poor posture. Regular yoga exercises and progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen also enable targeted relaxation phases in everyday life.