Prophylaxis | Sweating during the menopause


There is no statistically proven prophylaxis against sweating during menopause. Nevertheless, it is known that patients with an Asian background often have very little or no complaints with sweating and menopause. This is due to the fact that Asian patients eat proportionally more soya products and less meat than, for example, European patients.

Since soy contains estrogens, these can help to minimize menopausal symptoms if the patient has been eating mainly soy instead of meat products for years. Patients who regularly engage in endurance sports or visit the sauna and thus “sweat out” their body seem to suffer less from sudden sweating attacks during the menopause. In general, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and a weekly sports schedule has a positive effect on menopausal symptoms.

Sweat smells unpleasant- What can the affected women do?

Unpleasant body odors are understandably very stressful for most people. Especially when increased sweating is added during the menopause, many women feel disturbed and uncomfortable in their body sensation. There are several things that can be done to combat unpleasant body odors.

In order to prevent bacteria from breeding, you should shave or permanently depilate hairy areas of the body where you sweat more. These include the armpits and the genital area. It is precisely there that otherwise unpleasant odours are formed.

Furthermore, sweat should be removed at least once a day with a damp cloth and some soap to avoid unpleasant odors. In addition, the use of deodorants and antiperspirants is recommended. Unfortunately, food also plays a role.

Spicy foods, such as pepperoni or chili, promote sweat production and should therefore be avoided or ingested in small amounts. The same applies to onions, garlic and beer. Finally, one should pay attention to wearing clean clothes.

Even if clothes don’t smell bad at first – as soon as you start sweating, unpleasant odors will develop in the closet. Therefore, sweaty clothes should not be left lying around, but washed directly.