Prostatitis (Prostate Inflammation): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate).

Family history

  • Is there a frequent occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system in your family?

Social history

  • Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or strain due to your family situation?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Do you have any pain or discomfort in the perineal area?
    • Radiation towards the testicles or penis?
    • Pain continuation in the area of the urinary bladder, rectum and back? Shit
  • Do you suffer from painful and frequent urination?
  • Do you have pain associated with ejaculation?
  • Do you have bladder voiding dysfunction?
    • Do you empty only a few drops of urine when you urinate, although you feel that the urinary bladder is very full?
  • Do you have pain during defecation?
  • Do you have a fever?
  • Do you feel listless and sick?
  • How long have the above symptoms been present?
  • Have you had chronic pain or discomfort in the pelvic area for at least 3 months over the past 6 months?
  • Have you noticed libido disturbances (disturbances in sexual desire)?
  • Do you have erectile dysfunction?

Vegetative anamnesis including nutritional anamnesis.

  • Is your sex life satisfactory?
  • Are you satisfied with your relationship/partnership?
  • Do you engage in “risky” sexual behavior, such as insertive anal sex/anal sex (person inserting their penis)?

Self history including medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (diseases of the genitourinary system).
  • Surgeries (prostate biopsy (tissue removal from the prostate); prostate resection (urologic surgical technique in which abnormal prostate tissue is removed without an external incision through the urethra (urinary tract)).
  • Allergies
  • Medication history
  • Medical aids (Do you need to wear an indwelling catheter?).