Pseudoallergy: Prevention

To prevent pseudoallergy, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors. Behavioral risk factors

  • Diet
    • Foods high in vaso- or psychoactive biogenic amines (naturally occurring flavor and taste compounds found in foods, such as tyramine, serotonin, histamine, synephrine, feruloylputrescine, putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine)
    • Foods that lead to increased histamine release such as strawberries, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
    • Food additives or naturally occurring food ingredients in food, such as:
      • Antioxidants (e.g. butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)/E320, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)/E321, gallates/E310 – E312).
      • Flavorings
      • Colorants or azo dyes (e.g. amaranth/E123, quinoline yellow/E104, cochineal red, erythrosine/E 127, yellow orange S/E127, indigotine (indigcarmine)/E132, curcumin/E100, patent blue/E131, tartrazine/E102, etc.; see under food additives/dyes).
      • Gelling agents (e.g. mannitol/E421, sorbitol/E420/).
      • Flavor enhancers (glutamic acid and its salts (glutamates)/E620-625).
      • Preservatives (benzoates – p-hydroxybenzoic acid: benzoic acid and its salts/E210; metasulfites, nitrites and nitrates/E49 – E252, PHB esters/E214 – E219, propionic acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfites/E 221 – E227, sorbic acid and its salts/E200).
      • Acidity regulators (e.g. tartrate/E337).
      • Stabilizers or gelling agents (eg sorbitol/E420/, mannitol/E421).
      • Salicylates (salicylic acid)
    • Pesticide residues

Medication groups*

Drugs that are inhibitors of DAO (diamine oxidase):

Non-steroidal analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs listed below may additionally lead to histamine release in individuals with allergic disposition, so there may be an increased histamine effect:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Diclofenac
  • Indometacin
  • Flurbiprofen
  • Ketoprofen
  • Meclofenamic acid
  • Mefenamic acid
  • Naproxen

For allergy sufferers suitable analgesic or antiphlogistic drugs that inhibit allergen-specific histamine release are:

  • Fenbufen
  • Levamisole
  • Ibuprofen

* Patients with pseudoallergies often also react to components (e.g., dyes) of drugs: the azo dye tartrazine (E 102) and yellow orange S (E 110) is often added to various drugs, including anti-allergy drugs Other dyes in drugs with allergy risk are: Quinoline Yellow (E 104), True Yellow (E 105) and Ponceau 4R (E 124)! (Note: this list is only exemplary!).