Psyllium: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Psyllium seeds are the seeds of Plantago ovata. It is mainly cultivated in India and Pakistan. Psyllium seeds are used as a food and as a remedy. They function as an intestinal regulator and promote the formation of gut-friendly bacteria. Furthermore, they are also used as a swelling agent against obesity.

Occurrence and cultivation of psyllium

The seeds are about 2 mm in size. Their special effect comes from the very highly soluble swelling substances in them. The seeds of Plantago ovata, which can be classified under the genus of plantains, are harvested to sell them often under the name Indian psyllium as a remedy. Plantago ovata is a well-known medicinal plant. Its small, dark brown dull shiny seeds involuntarily remind of small fleas. Hence the name. Psyllium seeds have a regulating effect on constipation or other ailments where bowel evacuation with softer stools would be beneficial. The seeds are about 2 mm in size. Their special effect comes from the very highly soluble swelling substances in them. The seeds absorb and bind in the intestine a much larger quantity of liquid than their own weight. If sufficient amounts are drunk in addition, the intestinal contents can increase and become softer. The gliding ability of the stool also becomes much better. Psyllium seeds have also proven effective in cases of diarrhea. They reduce an excessive amount of fluid in the intestines and thus thicken the stool. Psyllium seeds can also be used during pregnancy and do not lead to habituation. They are commercially available as a herbal laxative. They also support therapy for irritable bowel syndrome.

Effect and application

The areas of application of psyllium refer to constipation. Furthermore, they help to form soft stool when the anal mucosa is torn, in hemorrhoids, rectal-anal surgery or even during pregnancy. They also have a therapeutic effect in cases of diarrhea or irritated bowels. Psyllium seeds are widely used very common dietary supplements. A medical study from 2012 was able to show even more far-reaching effects of psyllium seeds. According to this Australian research, positive effects of psyllium seeds were documented for metabolic syndrome. According to this, overweight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and high cholesterol levels or high blood fat levels are positively influenced by the intake of psyllium. Psyllium slows the absorption of sugar from the intestine. Sugar therefore does not enter the blood as quickly. The blood sugar level is lowered to a positive level. This improves the insulin response and relieves the pancreas. In case of insulin-dependent diabetes, the doctor must regulate the intake of psyllium, as the medication must fit the individual. If there is too much cholesterol and blood fat in the blood, deposits can form on the inner walls of the blood vessels. These deposits form a high risk for cardiovascular diseases. Psyllium can reduce the concentrations of cholesterol and blood fat by binding them to the mucilage. They are then excreted with the stool. Taking psyllium has also been shown to lower blood pressure. If excess weight is to be reduced, psyllium is an ideal support. Since they swell in the stomach, a faster feeling of satiety sets in. Psyllium provides low-calorie dietary fiber that is digested very slowly and thus helps to avoid a feeling of hunger. The metabolism is stimulated by psyllium. Cravings can be avoided. Psyllium is taken pre-swelled with water. For this purpose, one teaspoonful of psyllium is stirred into about 100 ml of water and pre-swollen. The water with the psyllium is then drunk and it is also recommended to drink one to two glasses of water afterwards to ensure sufficient fluid intake. Psyllium should not be taken with other medications. It should be taken at least half an hour to an hour apart. If there is an overdose of psyllium, flatulence may occur. Psyllium should not be taken if there is hypersensitivity to Plantago or if there are pathological constrictions in the gastrointestinal tract or esophagus. Furthermore, it should not be taken if there is a risk of or existing intestinal obstruction or in the case of forms of diabetes mellitus that are difficult to control.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

Taking psyllium seeds will promote health and fitness. They are a healthy alternative to chemically produced laxatives and are also suitable for long-term use without having a harmful effect on intestinal activity. The vegetable fiber of psyllium can bind up to 50 times more water. The increase in the volume of the stool stimulates the movement of the intestines. Based on this, the bowel evacuation reflex is triggered. The active movement of the intestine is regulated and the retention time of the absorbed water is prolonged. Thus, psyllium seeds also help with diarrhea. Furthermore, psyllium seeds promote the growth of bacteria that favor a healthy intestinal flora. These bacteria convert the soluble dietary fiber into short-chain fatty acids. This inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver. This lowers the cholesterol level in the blood. Soluble fiber also binds fecal bile acid. This promotes increased cholesterol secretion. If inflammatory processes are present in the intestines, psyllium may be able to heal these processes. Excessive weight is very dangerous for keeping the body healthy. Psyllium seeds can help reduce obesity due to their swelling effect. Psyllium seeds are easy to use. They can be effortlessly integrated into a daily diet plan. Psyllium husks are particularly effective because of their high content of mucilage. The recommended daily dose for psyllium or psyllium husks is a maximum of 30 grams.