Pulling in the Chest: Causes, Treatment & Help

A pulling in the chest can have many causes, some of which are harmless but can also be serious diseases. Women are more often affected, but men can also experience a pulling sensation in the chest.

What is pulling in the chest?

A distinction is made between cycle-dependent breast pain in women, called mastodynia, and cycle-independent breast pain, called mastalgia. A distinction is made between cycle-dependent breast pain in women, called mastodynia, and cycle-independent breast pain, called mastalgia. The pain can manifest itself in different ways. There may be a pulling sensation in the breast, a burning or throbbing pain, or a feeling of tightness. In addition, the breast pain can occur in different places. In mastodynia, they are triggered by the glandular tissue of the breast. In other conditions, the pulling in the breast is behind the breastbone. Mastodynia is a common symptom in pre-menopausal women. It often occurs in association with premenstrual syndrome. Mastodynia can also be a sign of a condition called mastopathy. This is benign changes in the female breast that manifests as swelling, lumps or cysts. Mastalgia can be a sign of many different conditions.


In children, growth can trigger a pulling sensation in the breast. In women, fluctuations in hormonal balance due to menstruation, pregnancy or lactation, and the onset of menopause cause breast tenderness. In the first half of the female cycle estrogens dominate, in the second half progesterone. The change in the formation of the two hormones can lead to increased water retention, so-called edema, before menstruation. These cause a feeling of tension or pulling in the breast. During pregnancy, the mammary gland tissue prepares itself for the subsequent formation of milk. The hormone prolactin required for this changes the hormone balance. Hormonal contraceptives such as the pill can also lead to breast tenderness. The same applies to replacement hormones administered during menopause. In such a case, it should be checked whether the dosage is too high. Cysts, lumps or malignant tumors can also be triggers in some cases and can also occur in men. Often these are harmless deposits of fat or calcium. Overexertion due to high-performance sports sometimes leads to a pulling or pain in the chest. Diseases of the lungs or heart, spinal problems or tension in the muscles and connective tissue can also lead to chest pain. In addition, psychosomatic causes such as severe stress can trigger the symptoms.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Menopause
  • Breast inflammation
  • Breast cancer
  • Mastopathy
  • Breast cysts
  • Pleurisy

Diagnosis and course

In the case of mastodynia, it is helpful to keep a pain diary. This will help to establish a relationship between the symptoms and the female cycle. If there is pulling in the breast, which is not triggered by the female cycle, the physician will decide which examinations are necessary. Various so-called imaging techniques are used to examine the breast to rule out a tumor or cysts. Mammography is an X-ray examination. Mamma sonography is an ultrasound examination of the breast. Puncturing for cyst fluid analysis provides information on whether it is benign tissue or tumor disease. Heart disease associated with chest pain usually presents with other symptoms, such as nausea and difficulty breathing. In such cases, examinations of the heart are necessary, for example, by means of an ECG. The course of symptoms depends on the particular diagnosis. If the symptoms are associated with fluctuations in the hormonal balance of the female cycle, they will occur regularly and usually subside with the onset of menopause. A pulling sensation in the chest associated with heart, lung, or back disease will cease after therapy for the underlying condition.


Most often, a pulling sensation in the breast is seen just before the onset of menstruation. This is related to the altered estrogen levels.Increased weight gain could also be the cause of the pulling. This pulling is unpleasant, but usually does not require treatment and does not result in complications. Furthermore, a cyst could be the cause. If the cyst remains untreated, the accumulation of fluid in the tissue can increase and the pain in the chest increases. In most cases, the cyst is punctured. Minor complications may also occur during this procedure: infections may occur due to the puncture in the skin. It is also possible that despite the puncture, the cyst fills with fluid again and another intervention becomes necessary. If the trigger of the discomfort is a tissue change in the breast, it can be benign or malignant. If a benign tissue change is not treated, the pulling pain would persist or increase. Removal of this tissue growth could provide freedom from discomfort. However, the usual risks and complications of surgery should be expected. The same is true for a malignant tissue change such as breast cancer. Failure to treat would lead to the spread of cancerous growths with possible death. In the case of surgery, there is a risk of complications from the anesthesia used, possible increased blood loss, and infections that may occur.

When should you see a doctor?

A pulling sensation in the chest is usually harmless and does not require medical clarification. However, if the discomfort persists for several hours or even days and increases in intensity and duration as it progresses, a doctor must clarify the cause. This is especially true if accompanying symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or cramps occur. If blue lips or severe abdominal pain accompany the symptoms, a doctor must be consulted as soon as possible, as there may be a serious underlying disease. Sometimes, however, stress or inner tension can also be responsible for the pulling in the chest. A doctor should be consulted if the underlying complaints can no longer be managed without outside help. If physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness or sudden exhaustion are added, a trip to the hospital is recommended. If there is a sudden pulling sensation in the chest, this may be an acute condition that should be clarified immediately by an emergency physician. Anyone who has already suffered a heart attack or stroke should contact the emergency services at the first warning signs.

Treatment and therapy

Thus, the therapy of chest pain depends on the disease that triggers the pulling. In the case of mastodynia, treatment is often not necessary. If the patient feels severely affected, anti-inflammatory pain medications may help. A well-fitting bra also helps. Being overweight promotes breast problems, so a healthy diet and nutrition can help. Hormone therapy may also reduce breast tenderness, depending on the cause. For mastalgia, therapy varies greatly according to the original condition. In the case of a tumor or cysts, surgical removal may be necessary. In the case of heart disease, various medications are used, but surgery may also be required. If the pulling in the chest is triggered by stress, learning relaxation techniques will help.

Outlook and prognosis

To give an exact outlook and prognosis in relation to a pulling in the chest is very difficult, because first the exact cause of this symptom must be found. In most cases, a pulling in the chest is caused by an unaccustomed overload, so that it comes to the famous muscle soreness. However, this should disappear on its own after two to three working days. However, if you continue to put a lot of strain on the affected area during this time, you are taking a big risk. It is not uncommon for further strain to result in long-lasting injuries, which usually also require treatment by a doctor. In particularly severe cases, surgery is even necessary, which can cause a downtime of four to eight weeks. For this reason, the following applies: A pulling sensation in the chest can be a symptom that by no means needs to be treated by a doctor. Only if the pulling persists for several days should a doctor be consulted. In this way, serious diseases can be ruled out or treated at an early stage.


A pulling sensation in the breast, especially if it is triggered by the menstrual cycle, cannot be prevented.However, the symptoms can be reduced by a normal body weight with a healthy diet. In other diseases, a healthy lifestyle and reduction of stress can have a positive effect in the prevention, but they can not be excluded.

This is what you can do yourself

Pulling in the chest can be a symptom of numerous diseases. In the case of diseases of the heart or lungs, little can be supported in self-treatment. If the complaints are based on fluctuations in the female hormone balance or tension in the back, the affected person can support the healing process himself. First of all, clothing should be checked. Well-fitting brassieres relieve the strain on the breasts and back, especially with larger cups. Existing excess weight can exacerbate problems in the breast area. To reduce body weight and strengthen the entire organism, a diet rich in vital substances and a healthy lifestyle are fundamentally important. An adequate supply of micronutrients minimizes inflammatory processes in the body. The intake of dietary supplements such as selenium can support this process. Medicinal plants such as monk’s pepper or yam have proven effective in balancing out cycle disorders. These are available as teas or dietary supplements in capsule form. Excessive stress also affects both the hormonal balance and the muscles in the back. If this is the cause, small time-outs in everyday life – by going for a walk, listening to music, relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training – and taking part in a back school can help. Here, the sitting posture is checked and the entire holding apparatus is strengthened through targeted exercises. Quick help with tension is achieved by a massage by a physiotherapist or masseur.