Pulmonary Embolism: Prevention

To prevent pulmonary embolism, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors. Behavioral risk factors

  • Diet
    • Inadequate fluid intake – leads to desiccosis (dehydration), thus increasing thrombophilia (tendency to clot/thrombosis)
  • Consumption of stimulants
    • Tobacco (smoking)
  • Physical activity
    • Frequent prolonged sitting or immobility (bedriddenness).
    • Prolonged sitting in front of the TV – ≥ 5 h/d in front of the TV: twice the risk of developing a fatal pulmonary embolism than people who watch < 2.5 h of TV
    • Long-haul flights (“economy-class syndrome”).
  • Overweight (BMI ≥ 25; obesity) – overweight from a BMI (body mass index) > 30 – risk increase of 230% due to increase in clotting and inhibition of fibrinolysis – inhibition of the dissolution of blood clots.

Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism (VTE)

Operations/Injuries Drug prophylaxis Physical prophylaxis Special features
Abdominal and pelvic surgeries low risk none ↑ Duration

  • 7 days (usually) ↑
  • 4 weeks (major oncological procedures) ↑↑
Medium risk UFH/NMH ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔
high risk NMH/fondaparinux ⇔ IPC/MTPS ⇔
MIS (minimally invasive surgery) Recommendations as for open surgery
Pelvic fractures See fractures near the hip joint
Spine (elective surgery) Individual decision
Spinal injury NMH ↑↑ alternatively IPK ↑
Transplant Medicine NMH/UFH ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔
Arthroscopy with longer operation time and limitation of mobility NMH ↑↑
Hip joint replacement (elective surgery) NMH/fondaparinux/NOAK ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔ Duration 28-35 days
Fractures near the hip joint NMH/fondaparinux ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔
Knee joint replacement (elective surgery) NMH/fondaparinux/NOAK ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔ Duration 11-14 days
Fractures near the knee joint and osteotomies NMH/fondaparinux ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔
Bone, ankle joint, foot with immobilizing hard bandage NMH ↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔
Polytrauma NMH ↑↑ IPC ↑ Bleeding risk
Burns NMH ↑↑ (in the presence of immobilization/additional risk factors). For larger area UFH i.v.
Conservative therapy with immobilization across joints in a hard bandage Prophylaxis in analogy to operated patient ↑↑ IPC/MTPS ⇔ Early functional therapy
Contraindications to medical prophylaxis IPC ↑↑ KI due tobleeding risk, renal insufficiency.


  • Degree of recommendation: ↑↑ = strong recommendation, ↑ = recommendation, ⇔ = recommendation open.
  • NMH: low molecular weight heparin.
  • NOAK (New Oral Anticoagulants): non-vitamin K-dependent anticoagulants.
  • UFH: unfractionated heparin.
  • IPC: intermittent pneumatic compression
  • MTPS: medical thrombosis prophylaxis stockings

Further notes

  • After endoprosthetic replacement of the knee or hip joint, low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA; 81 mg; 9 d after knee arthroplasty; 30 d after total hip arthroplasty (TEP)) is no less effective than rivaroxaban (10 mg) in preventing adverse thromboembolic events; follow-up 90 days:
    • Venous thromboembolism (VTE) developed in 0.64% of patients receiving ASA and 0.70% receiving rivaroxaban prophylaxis.
    • Pulmonary emboli occurred in 0.29% and 0.35% on rivaroxaban prophylaxis, respectively.
    • Major bleeding occurred at 1.29% and 0.99%, respectively, with rivaroxaban (p = 0.43)
  • Medical thrombosis prophylaxis stockings (MTKS): a randomized multicenter trial of electively operated patients demonstrated that low-molecular-weight heparins (NMH) alone were no less protective against venous thromboembolism (VTE) than NMH plus compression stockings. Limitation: stockings were only knee-high.

Prevention factors (protective factors)

  • Medical thrombosis stockings (may-recommend).
  • Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) – therapeutic procedure for compression treatment of venous and lymphatic diseases. Of crucial importance for the therapeutic effect of the procedure is the so-called alternating pressure massage. That I but I think we have which Willi not straight are yes available I’m sure and how would you because the complaints modest to the typical so purely in principle to both man indication: use for thrombosis prophylaxis at lower risk.The IPK has proven in studies as placebo and thrombosis prophylaxis stockings significantly superior.