Pulmonary Hyperinflation (Emphysema): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target

  • Improvement of the symptomatology

Therapy recommendations

In emphysema, analogous to COPD, the following staged regimen is used depending on the exact extent:

Inhaled broncho-dilators (drugs that dilate the bronchi).

If needed

Inhaled broncho-dilatorsas continuous therapy. Inhaled glucocorticoids
(synonym: inhaled steroids, ICS).
Oxygen therapyup to 16-24 h/d
Grade 1

Grade 2
(moderately severe)


Grade 3



Grade 4
(very difficult)




None of the drugs shown can prevent progression of the disease.

Furthermore, ß-sympathomimetics (drugs that mimic the action of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine in the sympathetic nervous system via activation of β2-adrenoceptors) and anticholinergics (synonym: parasympath(ic)olytic; acts to relax (= relaxes) smooth muscle and inhibits secretion) may be used.


  • Oxygen should never be administered in an uncontrolled manner in the emphysemic patient
  • As a long-term therapeutic agent only in chronic hypoxia (deficient supply of oxygen) with a paO2 < 55 mmHg, when there is no tendency to hypercapnia (increased carbon dioxide content in the blood)
  • If there is a threat of respiratory insufficiency (disturbance of external (mechanical) breathing), choose non-invasive or invasive forms of ventilation.

See also under “Further therapy.”