Push-ups with the expander


as well as the training of the arm muscles, the training of the chest muscles essentially does not fulfill any health-promoting aspects. Especially male athletes hope to achieve well-trained pectoral muscles through such training. Push-ups have long been one of the best known and most popular exercises for strength training at home. By using an expander, additional resistance can be created, which makes the movement more difficult, and thus provides stronger training stimuli.

Muscles that are used in push-ups

  • Large chest muscle (M. pectoralis mayor)
  • Shoulder muscle (M. deltoideus)
  • Triceps (M. triceps brachii)

to the musculature overview

  • Delta muscle
  • Biceps
  • Trizeps
  • Large Pectoral Muscle
  • Straight abdominal muscle

In the starting position, the athlete is in a push-up position. The fingertips point forward. The body is in a complete extension, the gaze is directed towards the floor.

The elbow joints are fully extended. The expander is wrapped around the wrists and guided behind the body, so that during the contraction phase there is increased resistance. The body remains in a stretched position throughout the movement. The number of repetitions varies depending on the tension of the expander and the level of skill. However, for a targeted muscle build-up, the number of repetitions should not exceed five to a maximum of eight.

Fields of application

Health sport In health sport, the intensity is kept lower, the number of repetitions is between 15 and 20. The resistance is relatively low, but since the goal here is not only strength endurance but also muscle building, the resistance should at least be selected so that after the last repetition no more is possible. The goal is to maintain or regain health.

Fitness In the area of fitness, the number of repetitions is between 12 and 15 with a high training volume (many exercises in the training plan). The aim is to maintain physical health and general fitness. Due to the short length of the breaks, the fitness athlete can complete many exercises with relatively little time expenditure.

The pause length is between 45 seconds and one minute in the fitness range. In addition to the strength training exercises, the fitness area also includes endurance exercises in the training plan. Bodybuilding In the bodybuilding sport the pure muscle building is in the foreground.

The resistance is chosen sufficiently high that the intensity (number of repetitions) is between 5 and 8 repetitions per set. Due to the increased load during this training, the length of the breaks must be sufficient. Breaks of between 2 and 3 minutes should be included in this training program.