Radicular Cyst: Classification

Classification of odontogenic (“originating from the teeth”) cysts.

Cyst shape Localization
Radicular (“affecting the root”) cysts At the root of the tooth
Follicular (“belonging to a follicle”) cysts On impacted wisdom teeth, canines (and premolars).
Residual cysts (“cyst left behind after extraction (tooth removal) of a tooth affected with a radicular cyst”) Like radicular and follicular cysts.
Gingival (“belonging to the gingiva (gums)”) cysts lateral of the mandible
Periodontal (“belonging to the periodontium (tooth supporting apparatus)”) cysts lower wisdom teeth
Pulp cysts (cysts of the dental pulp) No preferred localization
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT), formerly also called keratocyst or primordial cyst Mandible