Radius Fracture: Classification

Historical classification

  • Barton fracture – intraarticular (“into the joint cavity”) two-fragment fracture (two fracture fragments); in this case, the dorsal (back) edge of the distal radius (radius near the wrist) is involved, sometimes with dislocation (dislocation) of the radio-carpal joint (joint between the radius and the carpus)
  • Chauffeur’s fracture – radial wedge fracture (avulsion of the ulnar styloid process (process of the stylus) at the distal radius/radius).
  • Colles fracture (extension fracture/extension; hand dorsalextended/posteriorly hyperextended during fall).
  • Goyrand-Smith fracture – flexion fracture that is palmar-dislocated (occurs when falling on palmar-inflected hand/bending (flexion) of hand or fingers toward palm/palma manus)
  • Reversed Barton fracture (synonym: reversed Barton fracture; Smith II) – intra-articular fracture with edge fragment palmar; palmar margin of distal radius is involved.
  • Smith fracture (flexion fracture).

Classification of radial fracture according to the Association for Osteosynthesis (AO classification).

Type Type description
A1 Fracture of ulna (ulna), radius intact
A2 Simple impacted extraarticular (“outside the joint capsule”) fracture of the radius
A3 Extra-articular multiple fragment fracture of the radius
B1 Partial articular fracture of the radius, sagittal (“running from front to back”)
B2 Partial articular fracture of the radius, dorsal edge (Barton fracture)
B3 Partial articular fracture of the radius, volar (palmar) edge (Goyrand-Smith fracture, reversed Barton fracture)
C1 Completely articular fracture of the radius, articular and metaphyseal (section of bone between diaphysis (bone shaft) and epiphysis/bone ends) simple
C2 Completely articular fracture of the radius, metaphyseal multi-fragmentary
C3 Completely articular multifragmentary fracture of the radius

Other classifications

  • Frykman classification
  • Mayo classification (intra-articular radius fractures).
  • Melone classification
  • Pechlaner classification