Rash with red spots on the face in childhood | Skin rash on the face

Rash with red spots on the face in childhood

In childhood, such rashes with red spots can often be observed. So-called maculopapular exanthema (nodular-stained skin rash) can be a symptom of an infection such as measles or scarlet fever. Other typical childhood diseases can also cause rashes with red spots.

In the case of a chickenpox infection, the pustules are accompanied by severe itching and can lead to the formation of scars. Other diseases that are associated with skin rashes are rubella, hand, foot, mouth and mouth disease and three-day fever. Depending on the disease, the rash takes on an individual, characteristic appearance. The typical chickenpox rash has raised spots in addition to the red spots. With a rubella infection, the rash is much finer.

Rash with red spots on the face in adults

In adults, the typical childhood diseases that cause red spots as a rash are relatively rare, but this cause should not be generally excluded. In many cases, sexually transmitted diseases are a reason for the appearance of a rash, but much more often an allergic reaction or an organ disease is the cause. Especially in the case of a facial rash, it makes sense to find out the cause of the skin reaction as soon as possible, a visit to the doctor is usually unavoidable.

The most important point in the diagnosis is a detailed doctor-patient interview (anamnesis), in which existing previous illnesses, current medication intake, risk factors for various infectious diseases and other points that could be the cause of the skin rash in the face are asked. The doctor will then examine the skin and take a close look at the rash with a magnifying glass. The doctor may also send swabs of the affected skin areas, tissue samples (biopsy) or blood samples for laboratory diagnosis.

If an allergic rash on the face is suspected, an allergy test is recommended. Especially in these cases, the importance of an extensive medical history is clearly reflected in the fact that an allergy test can only be performed relatively specifically for a few possible allergens. In the Vorhinein must be discussed with the treating physician thus, what the concerning ate for example before the occurrence of the rash, whether a new detergent was used or whether so far unknown medicaments were used.