Ratanhia (Krameria triandra)


Plant description

In the Andes of Bolivia and Peru this shrub grows in sandy locations. The leaves are long and pointed and hairy yellowish-white on both sides. From the red flowers spiny fruits are formed which contain only one seed.

The root. One digs the fist-thick root of wild growing plants, washes and dries them. The wood of the root is odorless and tasteless, the bark tastes astringent.


Tanning agents mainly in the bark.

Curative effects and application

The drug has astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. Mainly used for inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, but also in the stomach and intestines. Usually traded as a tincture.


One can prepare a tea from: 1⁄2 teaspoon of dried ratanhia root is poured over with 1⁄4 l boiling water, let it steep for 15 minutes, strain. Use unsweetened for gargling.

Side effects

No side effects are to be feared with normal dosage.