Recipes for the Turbo Diet | Turbo Diet

Recipes for the Turbo Diet

The manufacturers of the shakes, especially Almased and Yokebe, offer numerous recipes for the Turbo Diet on their websites. Among them you can find recipes to refine the shakes and make them tastier. But there are also various recipes for the other main meals, which are often low in calories and fat and can be cooked very well. In addition, there are also printed or online cookbooks from well-known manufacturers, in which the delicious healthy recipes are presented very clearly.

How much can I lose weight with the Turbo Diet?

As average in empiric reports a weight loss of 6 Kilos in 2 weeks turbo diet is described. This effect is only achieved if the diet is implemented in a disciplined manner according to the plan and is additionally improved if sport is done in addition.

How do I avoid the yoyo effect?

With the Turbo Diät the body changes its energy requirement fast to low flame and adapts the basic conversion. In order not to have after 14 days of radical Diät the double of the lost weight again drauf, an extensive stability phase is recommended, in which over several weeks further a main meal is replaced by a protein-rich Shake. In general, the diet should be changed so that a lot of protein, valuable wholemeal products, fruit and vegetables are consumed, but few carbohydrates, fat and desserts. Sport effectively helps to reduce fat deposits in the long term and maintain the desired weight, as the newly gained muscles burn off a lot of energy.

Medical evaluation of the diet

The Turbo Diet is a very radical fortnightly diet that must be implemented with absolute discipline for maximum dietary success. The diet is suitable as an emergency plan, in order to reach a feel-good weight quickly for a certain event or a journey. The diet is effective because on the one hand it is strongly calorie-reduced and on the other hand the shakes consist mainly of valuable proteins.

This composition supports weight loss, as the body initially gets fewer calories with the shakes than with the food before the diet. Since the shakes contain protein, the body burns these and its own fat tissue, while the muscles are less broken down despite the few calories. Therefore, people who follow this diet often manage to lose a lot of weight in a very short time.

However, this always depends on the initial situation and additional sport. A plus point of the shakes are added vitamins and trace elements, which prevent deficiency symptoms. Disadvantages, however, are concentration difficulties and poor performance. We think that after the 14 day program a stability phase should be carried out, which changes into a long term healthy and balanced diet, in order to maintain the desired weight and to avoid the yo-yo effect which is dangerous here.