Recovery gymnastics at home | Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics at home

Recovery gymnastics can also be performed very well at home. Attending a course is not absolutely necessary. The above mentioned exercises are very well suited to be done at home, as they can be easily integrated into everyday life.

Special yoga workouts can be carried out as a support.These can also be completed at home, for example with an online program. It is important, however, that only exercises that are suitable for the postnatal period are carried out. Exercises that put too much and unfavorable strain on the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are not conducive to continence and maintaining pelvic floor stability.

Recovery gymnastics after a caesarean section may only be started when the wounds have healed sufficiently. This is the case after about eight to twelve weeks and should have been clarified by a doctor. Even if the pelvic floor is not stressed as much during a caesarean section as during a natural birth, post-natal exercises are still highly recommended.

The abdominal muscles and also the pelvic floor have been strained and stretched by the previous pregnancy, so that targeted training should restore and maintain the stability of the muscles. If, from a doctor’s point of view, recovery gymnastics can be started, training should be started carefully and cautiously in order not to overstrain the healed tissue. It makes sense to train the pelvic floor first and only then the abdominal and pomus muscles. In this way, stability is restored from bottom to top, so to speak.

From when and for how long should the regression gymnastics be performed?

Recovery gymnastics can usually be started after about four to six weeks after a vaginal delivery, or after eight to twelve weeks after a caesarean section. The start of training depends largely on the birth injuries the woman has suffered. These should first be healed before starting the exercises, because healed tissue is a prerequisite for the reconstruction of the muscles.

How long the training should be continued varies from individual to individual. Depending on the training condition of the woman, the basic requirements of the musculature can vary greatly, so that it also takes different lengths of time until sufficient stability of the musculature is achieved. Depending on the health insurance company and its coverage of costs, it is required that the regression gymnastics is completed within nine months after the birth. However, since postnatal exercise generally does no harm, it is better to continue it over a longer period of time and then gradually return to an everyday sports program (as before pregnancy).