Reduce fever

Synonyms in a broader sense

Cold, flu, cough, rhinitis med. : Hyperthermia english: fever


Fever is a completely natural reaction of the organism to bacterial and viral pathogens. The body’s own immune system is stimulated by the increase in temperature and the overheating also leads to a significant reduction in the reproduction rate of pathogens. For this reason, before lowering the fever, it should always be considered whether the impairment of the well-being of the affected patient justifies a reduction in fever.

In addition, when choosing the most suitable fever-lowering agent, it should be borne in mind that there may be different causes for the occurrence of fever depending on the patient group (baby, infant, child and adult). For this reason, the most effective antipyretic measures also differ between these patient groups. Drugs that are particularly promising and completely harmless in adults can, for example, have a lasting effect on a baby’s organism and thus impede the healing process. It is therefore particularly important for a baby, toddler or infant to consult a pediatrician promptly in the event of a fever of unknown cause as well as in the event of a rapid and/or high temperature rise.

Reduce fever in the baby

Especially with a baby, fever can quickly become dangerous. The reason for this is the fact that a baby does not have sufficient fluid reserves. A rapid rise in temperature, which may be accompanied by other symptoms (such as diarrhoea and/or vomiting), can therefore quickly lead to dehydration.

As a rule of thumb, a baby younger than three months and/or with a fever of more than 38.5 degrees Celsius and/or a very restless appearance should be presented to a pediatrician as soon as possible. If the fever is slight, the temperature can be lowered with the help of a damp washcloth. To do this, the washcloth should be moistened with water at body temperature and then the baby’s forearms should be rubbed off.

With this method, however, care must be taken to ensure that the baby’s skin is only kept moist, not wet. The evaporation of moisture on the skin surface has a cooling effect and can reduce fever in this way. In addition, so-called pulse wraps, i.e. moist compresses wrapped around a baby’s wrists, are considered the ideal method for lowering the fever. In addition, fever-reducing medication can also be used on the baby. Above all, paracetamol and ibuprofen, which are administered in a dose appropriate to the age of the baby, can help to lower the fever.