Reduce stress


Tension, tension, sleep disorders, stress, eustress

How to reduce mental-emotional stress?

An important finding in the context of stress reduction is that it is not the external stress that is decisive for the stress level of the body, but the internal, perceived stress. Thus, it is initially a question of one’s own stress perception whether a situation is considered stressful or not. This also applies to psychological and emotional stress.

With emotional stressors it is often very difficult to follow the simple rule that one should simply eliminate the source of stress. For example, a separation or the loss of a person can cause psychological/emotional stress for a very long time. In such situations it is important to change the inner processing of the stress or to find ways to reduce the stress, be it through a change of lifestyle, sports, relaxation exercises and many other common methods.

For many people it is enough if they have people to whom they can entrust their psychological stress and thus be able to process it better. Others, on the other hand, are convinced that meditation helps them a lot in the context of stress management, which has been proven by recent studies. The therapy of stress depends on the results of the study.

Physically, infusion series are usually given to supplement the missing substances. Mainly antioxidants, electrolytes, high-dose vitamins, base-rich remedies, procaine base infusion for deacidification, ozone-oxygen infusion for vitalization, for improving blood circulation, chelantine infusion for the removal of waste products, fresh cell therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, neural therapy and herbal medicines are used to reduce stress. In addition, patients are often treated with special mental stress management programs and physical exercise.

What role do stress hormones play?

It is assumed that the formation of stress hormones in our body is largely responsible for the development of a stress reaction. These hormones act on many different functions in our body, such as the immune system, our energy balance or our heart rate, and modulate these functions in such a way that they are optimally designed for a stress situation. The best-known stress hormone in our body is cortisol, which is produced in our adrenal cortex in greater quantities than is normally the case when we are under stress.

The actual purpose of these stress hormones is to make the body perform at its maximum for a short period of time, in return functions such as digestion, which are not absolutely necessary in this situation, are inhibited. This stress reaction only becomes a problem for our body when it does not only last for a few hours but becomes permanent and the body does not get any recovery. As a result, the body becomes weaker and weaker, the immune system is severely inhibited and this also has an effect on the psyche. Thus stress hormones play a central role in the stress reaction.