Reduce water resistance | Swimming

Reduce water resistance

In the performance range, care is taken to ensure that as little resistance as possible occurs in the water, so a full body shave is recommended. Water particles can no longer be carried along by the hairs of the skin. If you still don’t want to do without your body hair, a full body swimsuit is recommended.

According to the latest research, modern swimsuits are supposed to reduce the resistance in the water many times over, since their structures resemble the skin of a fish. Note: Even the best swimsuit is no guarantee for fast swimming. It only creates optimal conditions.

Swimming with back pain

If you constantly keep your head above water in the neck while breaststroke, you risk damage to the cervical vertebrae. Moreover, many breaststroke swimmers fall into a hollow back. In order to relieve the back, crawl and backstroke should be chosen, because the S-shape of the spine is maintained. Backstroke strengthens especially the neck and neck muscles. In order to achieve the effects of swimming in terms of health, mastering the correct swimming techniques is of great importance.

Cramp in water

If you should get a cramp in open water, you must pay attention to the following points.

  • Keep calm
  • Stretch affected muscle if possible
  • Continue swimming in supine position
  • If possible lie in water
  • Swim to shore
  • Request help

Coordination skills and swimming