Relaxation techniques | Physiotherapy for migraine

Relaxation techniques

Many therapies are usually tried out, mostly without success. However, one of the most common causes of migraine remains stress. One way to protect oneself from stress is to reduce the stress by reducing working hours or restructuring the workplace or private life.

Often it is not so easy to do, but certain relaxation techniques can help to cope with stressful situations. On the one hand, relaxation according to Jacobsen is a good choice.The patient lies on his back in a calm atmosphere and tenses all muscle groups of the body, holds it for a few seconds and relaxes again. Due to the relaxation after the tensing, the muscles feel much more relaxed than before.

In addition to Jacobsen’s relaxation, autogenic training is also an option. Here, a certain calm position is also taken, but in contrast to Jacobsen, a relaxation should be achieved by thought control. Either the course instructor, a DVD or the thoughts themselves provide guidance.

Usually the speaker starts with “I am completely calm” and the thoughts are then sent to the respective body parts, e.g. “my fingers are completely calm”. It is important with the techniques that the person concerned completely engages in the relaxation techniques. In addition to these two possibilities, yoga, tai chi, pilates or other similar sports are also possible.

Exercises for relaxation

An acute migraine attack usually causes severe muscle tension in the back and shoulder-neck area. In contrast, exercises can be performed. However, only tablets, darkness and rest are usually effective against the acute migraine attack.

Relaxation exercises can be performed to relieve muscle tension. These include stretching the pectoralis muscle either by stretching the hand against a door ledge and moving the trunk away from the shoulder or by crossing both hands behind the back. Stretching and bending, as well as rotation and lateral inclination of the entire spine loosen the muscle structure and ensure that the metabolism is stimulated by the movement.

In addition, warmth directly on the muscles helps to relax them. You can find more exercises in the article Exercises against migraine

  • Shoulder circles
  • Elongation of the M. Trapezius
  • M. Pectoralis
  • Final movement of the entire spine
  • Stretching of the Trapezius muscle is achieved by pressing down the shoulder and rotating and tilting the head to the opposite side.