Remove Callus: How to do It!

Calluses protect our hands and feet from pressure and friction. Despite its important function, calluses are often considered unsightly and removed. When removing the solid layers of skin, however, you can do a lot wrong. We reveal how to remove your calluses properly and which home remedies are particularly effective. In addition, we give you valuable tips with which you can prevent the development of calluses.

Calluses on hands and feet

Calluses develop primarily on the hands or the feet. Especially on the feet, unsightly calluses often form due to wearing the wrong footwear and standing or walking for long periods of time. These occur particularly frequently in the area of the ball or the heel. A thin layer of callus on the hands and feet is quite normal, because the firm layers of skin protect sensitive areas from pressure and friction. However, if excessive calluses are formed, this can lead to pain. In addition, corns and inflammations can develop as a result.

Incorrect footwear as a cause

For the development of calluses, a wide variety of causes come into question. At the feet plays however in particular the carrying of wrong footwear a crucial role. Because if the shoe does not fit properly, an increased pressure acts on the skin. This causes increased callus formation in the stressed area. Therefore, avoid shoes that are too tight or too pointed. You should also avoid shoes with a high heel and very thin or very hard soles. The same applies to shoes that fit poorly on the foot. A comfortable, well-fitting shoe is especially important for people who do a lot of walking or standing.

Overweight as a risk factor

In addition to wearing the wrong footwear, there are a number of other causes that can lead to the development of calluses on the feet. These include deformations on the feet (for example, hammertoes). Due to the deformations, there is increased pressure on certain parts of the foot, which can cause calluses to form in these areas. In addition, excessive weight or an incorrect gait can also lead to excessive or one-sided stress on the foot. While increased weight can be accompanied by increased callus formation, one-sided loading of the foot results in uneven callus formation. Finally, too dry feet can also result in unsightly calluses on the feet. Since there are no sebaceous glands on the underside of the foot, the skin dries out particularly quickly here, resulting in increased callus formation. The lack of moisture can also cause painful cracks in the callus. That is why it is important to apply cream to the feet regularly.

Remove callus

There are several ways to remove unsightly calluses. If there is only a thin layer, the callus can usually be easily removed with a foot file. First, rasp with the coarse side of the file, then smooth with the fine side. For best results, the file should be used on dry feet and the feet should be creamed afterwards. If you prefer it gentle and want to try something new, you should try a fish pedicure. Here, the callus is simply nibbled off by small fish. This does not hurt, but at most tickles a little. However, such a treatment is somewhat more expensive than a foot file: For a session must be planned depending on the duration of about 15 to 30 euros.

Caution with callus shaving

With a somewhat thicker corneal layer is often resorted to a callus rasp. This is used similarly to the foot file: First, the callus is rasped off with the coarse side, then the skin is smoothed with the fine side. However, the rasps are not without: Since they are very sharp, even small errors in the application can cause injury to the skin. The same applies to electric callus removers – here, too, there is an increased risk of injury. Therefore, it is best not to use such devices and better to resort to gentler methods. If the callus is very thick and cracked, you should make an appointment with a medical foot care (podiatrist). Especially cracked calluses should not be removed independently, because germs can easily penetrate the tissue through the cracks.

Salicylic acid fights calluses

In the trade, there are many creams that are said to have a cornea-reducing effect.Products with salicylic acid – especially patches or solutions with highly concentrated salicylic acid – are proven to be effective. Although such products are available in any pharmacy, they are only suitable for home use to a limited extent. They belong more in the hands of a podiatrist. Regardless of whether you choose a product containing salicylic acid or prefer to buy a foot file: Make sure to always remove only the top layer of cornea. Otherwise, injury and damage can occur.

Remove calluses with home remedies

A pumice stone should not be missing in any household – but before you remove the callus with it, you should take a foot bath. Add optionally some apple cider vinegar, chamomile, tea tree oil or aloe vera juice to the water. After soaking, you can then easily rub away the top layers of callus with a pumice stone. In case of stubborn complaints, you can additionally rub the hard spots with some tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar several times a day. One of the typical home remedies for calluses is the chamomile pack. Put a tablespoon of chamomile flowers on a linen cloth and wrap the cloth around the flowers. Then pour a few tablespoons of boiling water over the packet so that the cloth is completely saturated. Then press it on the affected area for 15 minutes. Once the callus has softened, you can carefully remove it with a pumice stone.

Prevent calluses – 6 tips

Our feet are heavily used every day, yet they often get a raw deal when it comes to care. Often, they are only given attention when summer is just around the corner. Regular care of the feet can prevent the formation of calluses. We give you six tips with which you can easily prevent the formation of calluses:

  1. Apply cream to your feet once or twice a day. For example, calendula ointment, deer tallow ointment or a urea-containing cream (urea) are well suited.
  2. Treat your feet to a foot bath at regular intervals. When the skin has softened somewhat, you can easily remove hard layers of skin with a pumice stone.
  3. Wear only shoes with an optimal fit. Also, change shoes more often – so the feet are offered variety.
  4. Wear shoes with high heels only on special occasions and not every day to work.
  5. Pamper your feet from time to time with a relaxing massage.
  6. Run barefoot more often. Because barefoot running strengthens the muscles, promotes blood circulation and increases the mobility of the toes.