Remove coating of the tongue


A morning whitish tongue coating is present in everyone. No tongue is free of any deposits. These tongue coatings can have very different causes.

They can be caused by a lack of oral hygiene, for example, and can also be removed by means of such coatings. A coating on the tongue can also indicate a disease or a change in the body. The difference between harmless and pathological plaque is often that it can be wiped away. Harmless deposits on the tongue are usually a sign of poor oral hygiene and can be easily removed with special tongue cleaners. In addition, there are many other broad methods such as household remedies or mouthwashes to remove the coating on the tongue.

Household remedy against tongue coating

There are many different ways to remove the white coating on the tongue in a natural way and to eliminate the associated unpleasant symptoms such as bad breath or a bitter taste in the mouth. If the plaque cannot be removed in the long run, a dentist should be consulted to rule out possible diseases. Baking powder is one of the household remedies.

It has a basic pH value and can neutralize the acids in the mouth. The tongue is cleaned by the baking powder and the white coating is removed. You can dilute the baking powder in water and use it twice a day as a mouthwash.

Alternatively, the baking powder can be made into a paste, applied gently to the tongue and scraped off with a toothbrush. Furthermore, salt is one of the household remedies with which a white coating on the tongue can be removed. Salt can be dissolved several times a day in a glass of lukewarm water and used as a mouthwash. Furthermore, an oil treatment and rinsing with aloe vera juice are among the recommended household remedies to remove the white coating on the tongue and to relieve the symptoms.