Repititive Strain Injury Syndrome (Mouse Arm): Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development)

Originally, RSI syndrome was thought to be caused by inflammatory processes of the tendons. However, in the context of repititive tendonitis syndrome, no causative inflammation can be detected in the affected tissues. Instead, microtrauma (microinjury) occurs in the tissues due to the chronic overuse/misuse caused by the regular, repetitive, rapid movements. Usually, the interruption of the stressful movements is not long enough, so that the organism does not have enough time to regenerate.

Etiology (causes)

Biographical factors

  • Occupations – office workers, sign language interpreters, assembly line workers (repetition of monotonous movements), gamers (PC/video gamers), cashiers, musicians.

Behavioral causes

  • Physical activity
    • Physical inactivity
  • Psycho-social situation
    • Chronic stress
    • High occupational stress
  • Lack of breaks from repititive (repetitive) activity.
  • Unfavorable conditions at the workplace (desk, office chair, monitors, keyboard, computer mouse, etc.) and associated unhealthy posture.