Retinal Detachment (Ablatio Retinae): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of retinal detachment (ablatio retinae).

Family history

  • Is there a frequent history of eye disease in your family?

Social anamnesis

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Do you have any visual disturbances?
    • Occurrence of light flashes, wavy vision, distorted vision, gnat vision, etc.?
  • Do you see a shadow in your field of vision?
  • Did you notice a shower of soot (sudden appearance of dense black or red spots in your field of view)?
  • Has your visual acuity subjectively worsened?
  • How long have these changes existed?
  • Is there a triggering moment (injury or similar)?

Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.

Eigenanamnese incl. medication anamnesis

  • Previous diseases (eye diseases)
  • Operations
  • Allergies

Medication history

* If this question has been answered with “Yes”, an immediate visit to the doctor is required! (Data without guarantee)