Rhinorrhea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Rhinorrhea is the medical term for the commonly known runny nose. Causes of this range from the common cold or allergy, to severe head injury. There are a variety of treatment options for acute rhinorrhea.

What is rhinorrhea?

The term rhinorrhea comes from the Greek and describes something like: Excretion from the nose. Accordingly, rhinorrhea would generally be described as a discharge of fluids from the nose. It is a common symptom of hay fever and a common cold or flu. However, it is also a sign of drug withdrawal. Rhinorrhea is caused by inflammation of the tissues and vessels throughout the nasal area. Colloquially, rhinorrhea is also often referred to simply as a runny nose. However, apart from allergic causes or a cold, rhinorrhea may also be associated with cerebral tissue discharge; this is usually the result of a skull fracture.


Rhinorrhea is attributed to a variety of causes rather than a single cause. These include:

Allergies: people with hay fever will be very familiar with runny nose. However, other allergens such as animal dander, soy, latex, grains, etc. can also express their effects in rhinorrhea. In this case it is also called allergic rhinorrhea. Infection: both viral and bacterial infections can cause rhinorrhea. Bronchiolitis: Is a viral infection in the lungs that is a common reason for the onset of rhinorrhea, especially in children. Sinusitis: This often occurs with colds and causes inflammation and swelling in the walls of the sinuses around the nose and eyes. Spicy food: Well-seasoned foods or the fumes from certain foods (onions, for example) temporarily cause many people to produce more nasal discharge. Head injuries: This can also lead to rhinorrhea and should be considered particularly serious.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Rhinorrhea is primarily manifested by the fact that the nose of the sufferer runs. This involves the appearance of a secretion from the nose, which may be clear and watery or yellow and solid, depending on the causative disease. Rhinorrhea may be associated with redness of the nose. Depending on the trigger, other symptoms and complaints may be added to the runny nose. If the runny nose is due to a cold, for example, hoarseness, chapped lips and headaches may also occur. If a flu is the cause, muscle and limb pain, but also serious respiratory problems and inflammation can develop. If the complaints are based on an allergy, the typical symptoms of an allergic shock occur: Breathing difficulties, irritated eyes, skin changes, malaise. The runny nose usually appears quite suddenly when the person steps out into the fresh air or enters an interior room. The trigger is increased blood flow to the nose. Accordingly, there is accompanying redness and overheating of the nose. Usually, rhinorrhea disappears after a few minutes. In case of a cold, the runny nose may persist for several days. As it progresses, the color and consistency of the secretions change.

Diagnosis and course

The specific symptoms of rhinorrhea are indicative of its cause. Medical examination includes palpation of the nose and face, especially in the area of the sinuses. Even light pressure on inflamed areas may trigger pain in the affected person. The color and shape of the nasal discharge is also included in the diagnosis. The discharge may also be analyzed in the laboratory to determine the exact cause. Patients with marked sinusitis, diabetes, and diseases related to the immune system may need to undergo computed tomography to make an accurate diagnosis and find out if it is a healing or chronic rhinorrhea.


In most cases, there are no particular complications associated with this complaint. In this case, rhinorrhea occurs mainly during flu or a cold and is one of the common symptoms. Even after the illness, the runny nose may persist and complicate the patient’s daily life.Complications usually only occur if the complaint persists over a longer period of time and does not disappear again on its own. The affected person may also suffer from diabetes or inflammation of the sinuses. The further course of the disease thus also depends strongly on the underlying disease, so that a general prognosis cannot be given in most cases. In the case of a common cold or flu, the disease can be treated with simple remedies and the symptoms can be alleviated. In this case, too, there are no particular complications or other discomforts. Furthermore, however, treatment of the underlying disease is also necessary to completely limit the discomfort. Nasal rinses can also lead to a positive course of the disease. The life expectancy of the affected person is usually not negatively affected by the disease.

When should one go to the doctor?

If the nose is constantly running, there may be a serious underlying disease. A visit to the doctor is advised if rhinorrhea occurs in association with nasal polyps or sinusitis. If symptoms develop after inhalation of irritating substances such as dust or chemicals, it is best to consult the doctor directly. Other triggers may include cluster headaches, tumors of the nose or sinuses, and allergies. Those at risk should see their primary care physician if the runny nose becomes a nuisance or is associated with other signs of illness, such as shortness of breath or pain in the olfactory area. Rhinorrhea is also treated by an otolaryngologist or allergist. The physician can make the diagnosis based on a medical history and an examination of the nose and sinuses. If this is done early, inflammation and other complications can be averted. In addition, a runny nose increases the risk of infection for other people. Therefore, rhinorrhea should always be examined by a doctor and treated if necessary.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of rhinorrhea depends on its cause. Usually, it does not require any treatment and goes away on its own. Unless it is a symptom of a severe neurological or physical problem. Medically, rhinorrhea can be treated with the help of antihistamines such as the commercial brands Claritin, Zyrtec, Tylenol, Tavist, and Benadryl. Decongestants such as oxymetazoline and pseudoephedrine have a similar effect. These agents stop or noticeably minimize discharge. In addition to decongestants and antihistamines, sympathomimetics may also be used for treatment. The use of nasal sprays is also a proven remedy for acute rhinorrhea, but it should not be overdosed or it may have a negative effect. Sprays and antihistamines do not usually require a prescription, but should be taken in consultation with a physician to ensure effective treatment. Dilution of the discharge likewise begins to provide relief for the affected person. This can be achieved by regular nasal rinses with a light saline solution and a humid indoor environment.


Any prevention of rhinorrhea depends on the specific causes. Allergy sufferers are well advised to avoid the causative allergens. Viral and bacterial infections are more difficult to prevent. Washing hands regularly and avoiding contact with people who have colds can be helpful. You can reduce susceptibility to colds, and the rhinorrhea associated with them, by eating a healthy diet and staying in good physical shape.


Follow-up care for rhinorrhea is based on the underlying condition. If the discharge occurs in association with acute rhinitis, comprehensive follow-up is not needed. The rhinorrhea subsides as soon as the rhinitis is cured. As part of the follow-up, the continued use of prescribed rhinologics or antibiotics must be discussed. In addition, the physician will ask about any subsequent symptoms and, if necessary, perform a physical examination to detect inflammation or other abnormalities in the area of the throat, nose and ears. If rhinorrhea underlies cluster headache, long-term treatment is necessary. Follow-up care focuses on controlling symptoms and preventing recurrence after the rhinorrhea has disappeared.In the case of special forms such as rhinoliquorrhea or pseudo-rhinoliquorrhea, individual measures must be taken. Patients are best advised to talk to their ENT physician about the measures required in each case. Follow-up for rhinorrhea may take months or years if chronic conditions such as cluster headache or chronic infectious rhinitis are the cause of the uncontrolled discharge. Follow-up care for rhinorrhea is provided by an ENT physician. In the case of allergic complaints, the allergist or the family doctor is responsible.

What you can do yourself

Depending on the cause of rhinorrhea, various treatment options are available. If the complaints are due to a cold, no therapy is needed. The symptoms disappear on their own as soon as the underlying disease has been cured. Allergy-related symptoms must be treated causally by reducing contact with the allergen. If bronchiolitis or sinusitis is the cause, general measures such as rest and recuperation will help. The nasopharynx should not be exposed to irritation. If rhinorrhea occurs in conjunction with a head injury, the flow of secretions can be stanched by cooling and bandaging. The physician may prescribe a suitable nasal spray. If the symptoms occur after eating spicy food or going outside, clearing the nose is sufficient. Rhinorrhea needs medical attention if it occurs repeatedly or does not resolve on its own. Home remedies such as cooling and inhalations help, as do homeopathic preparations, for example essential oils or ointments with aloe vera and mint. Accompanying this, the loss of fluids must be compensated for by regular drinking of mineral water or teas. Especially children, elderly people and chronically ill people should drink a lot to avoid dehydration.