Rib fracture during pregnancy | Rib fracture due to coughing – is this possible?

Rib fracture during pregnancy

Rib fractures during pregnancy are not very common, but may be favored because the growing child in the womb places increased stress on the trunk. The increased pressure and traction can lead to a higher risk of rib fracture. Coughing in particular can cause a rib fracture during pregnancy.

If a rib fracture is suspected in a pregnant woman, an ultrasound scan is usually performed in order to avoid exposing the unborn child to radiation. Only in rare exceptions does an X-ray examination have to be performed. As a rule, most rib fractures are not dangerous even during pregnancy.

However, they are an additional burden for pregnant women, especially shortly before birth, and can cause very severe pain. Coughing in particular can increase this pain enormously. If the rib fracture is very fresh and has occurred shortly before delivery, in some cases a caesarean section may be the better choice to avoid greater pain or even complications. In most cases, however, a normal birth is possible.