Rice: Intolerance & Allergy

Rice is a food product derived from the rice plant. Worldwide, rice is one of the most important staple foods.

Here’s what you should know about rice

Rice is a food that is derived from the rice plant. Worldwide, rice is one of the most important staple foods. More than half of the world’s population feeds on rice to a large extent. Rice cultivation has therefore been an important part of agriculture for several millennia. Rice plants were already cultivated in Asia more than 7000 years ago. The center of rice cultivation at that time in China were the valleys of the Yangtze River. Rice was cultivated from the two wild forms Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara. Wild-grown rice was collected and consumed as early as about 9000 years BC. Around 300 BC, knowledge of rice cultivation reached Japan. However, rice was not cultivated in Okinawa until 800 AD. Rice did not reach the United States until the late 17th century. It reached Europe in the 15th century, but was only eaten there and not cultivated. Today, rice is grown on all continents. However, the main areas of cultivation are still India, China and other countries in Southeast Asia. Other important cultivation areas are in the USA and in northern Italy. In Europe, rice is also cultivated in Portugal, Spain and France. Originally, rice was not actually an aquatic plant. The plant has adapted to flooding of the fields over the many years of cultivation. Flooding is intended to destroy weeds and pests. In regions with little rainfall or in the mountains, rice is grown dry. However, about 80 percent of all rice is produced by wet rice cultivation. It is estimated that there are more than 8000 different varieties of rice. The rice plants grow between 80 and 160 centimeters high, depending on the variety. There are 10 to 20 panicles on the slender green stalks. The panicles each contain about 200 rice grains. Basically, a distinction can be made between two types of rice. Rice with a high gluten content tends to become mushy after cooking. Rice with a lower gluten content, on the other hand, remains loose and grainy. In the case of parboiled rice, a special process presses almost 80 percent of the nutrients contained into the inside of the grain. These nutrients would otherwise be lost when the rice grain is peeled. The slender grains of parboiled rice are snow-white in color and have a dry and glassy kernel. A special subtype of parboiled rice is avorio rice. This Italian medium-grain rice is popular for pancakes and dumplings because of the starch it contains. Natural rice is also commercially available under the names whole grain rice or brown rice. Although the long grain rice is hulled, the valuable ingredients of the silverskin are retained. Brown rice has a strong and slightly nutty flavor. However, it must be cooked for a long time compared to white rice. White rice is husked rice without the silverskin. The grains have a smooth and white surface. Rice pudding is also white rice. Basmati rice is particularly popular. The aromatic and grainy rice is one of the most expensive and noble rice varieties. Glutinous rice is a particularly starchy medium-grain rice. It is also known as sushi rice. The cooked grains stick together. This rice is mainly used in Asia for sweet and hearty dishes. Wild rice is one of the most expensive types of rice, but strictly speaking, it does not belong to the grain type rice. Wild rice grains are the seeds of a certain water grass that grows only in North America and in Canada. The black grains take a long time to cook and have a strong nutty flavor.

Importance for health

Rice is a healthy satiator. The food contains hardly any fat, but many complex carbohydrates. The digestion of complex carbohydrates is more complicated for the body than the digestion of simple carbohydrates. As a result, rice keeps you full longer. In addition, more nutrients pass through the intestinal mucosa into the blood. Rice contains many different vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains magnesium, potassium and manganese. Potassium has a dehydrating effect, so that rice can also be used well for purification. The B vitamins contained ensure that the nervous system functions well. Iron and folic acid are important for blood formation. Rice also contains various essential amino acids. They are the basic building blocks for many proteins and enzymes in the body.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 grams of white long grain rice

Calories 130

Fat content 0.3 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 1 mg

Potassium 35 mg

Carbohydrates 28 g

Protein 2.7 g

Dietary fiber 0.4 g

The ingredients of rice depend on the variety, the cultivation technique and the location. Common to all rice varieties, however, is the high carbohydrate content. 100 grams of rice contain an average of 78 grams of carbohydrates. 100 grams of rice are also composed of about 13 grams of water, 0.3 grams of fat and 2.7 grams of protein. In addition, rice grains contain fiber and minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and magnesium. Vitamins from the B group and vitamin E are also in the small grains.

Intolerances and allergies

Although a large part of the world’s population lives predominantly on rice, allergies to rice are rare. Therefore, the grain is also classified as hypoallergenic and is also part of various allergy and exclusion diets. Rice allergy can be triggered by ingestion of cooked rice on the one hand, and also by inhalation of the vapors during the cooking process. In gastrointestinal manifestation, the allergy manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and vomiting. However, there may also be involvement of the central nervous system or urticarial reactions. Rice allergy may also cause rhinitis or bronchial asthma. In rice allergies, antibodies against glutelins and globulins could be detected in the blood. Both substances lose about half of their allergen activity when heated. In infancy, the so-called food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) can be observed in rare cases. This is a clinical picture with diarrhea and vomiting that occurs after rice consumption.

Shopping and kitchen tips

Rice can be stored quite easily. This makes the grains a valuable food resource. In a dry and light-protected environment, rice can be stored for several years. Cooked rice, on the other hand, is easily perishable due to the starch and moisture it contains. It should be consumed as soon as possible. It can be stored in a cool, airtight container for a maximum of two days. Of course, cooked rice can also be frozen. If necessary, it can then simply be reheated in boiling water.

Preparation tips

There are several methods to prepare rice easily and tasty. Long grain rice is usually prepared as water rice. For this, the rice is boiled in boiling water and then simmered covered for 20 minutes. It is then poured into a sieve. The swelling method is a gentler variant. It retains more vitamins and minerals. With this cooking method, only as much water is added to the rice as the grains can absorb during the cooking time. As a guideline, use 2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. The easiest method of preparation is certainly cooking in a cooking bag. Here, the bag just needs to be placed in hot water.