Risk of infection | Nail bed inflammation

Risk of infection

Nail bed inflammation is almost always caused by bacteria. However, these are mostly bacteria that occur in the human skin flora and/or in the oral cavity anyway. The pathogens must enter an open wound to cause an infection. Infection is therefore impossible or very difficult. In rare cases, when a nail bed inflammation is caused, for example, by a skin fungus, an “infection” or rather a “transmission” can occur.


The duration of nail bed inflammation depends on many different factors and is therefore difficult to predict. In most cases, the inflammation usually subsides on its own within a week. The extent of the inflammation and how early treatment is carried out play a major role.

Early application of warm baths, pulling ointment and disinfectants (e.g. Betaisodona®) can improve the course of the disease. The healing process also depends on the immune system of the affected person and can therefore vary greatly. Another factor is the reason for the inflammation.

Mostly these are small stab or cut injuries. An ingrown nail is often the cause of inflammation of the toe nail beds in particular. Thus the inflammation can become chronic, which prolongs the duration significantly. In this case the shoes are often to blame and a change can provide permanent relief.

Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Nail bed inflammation of the toe (panaritium) can be very painful. It is an inflammatory disease of the tissue under the toe nail. The nail bed on the toe nails is quite well protected by the surrounding structures.

Nevertheless, it is possible that small injuries in the cuticle or nail wall can cause pathogens such as bacteria or fungi to penetrate the nail bed and lead to nail bed inflammation. On the toenail, the cause is often that the nail grows incorrectly and pushes itself into the skin. Shoes that are too tight can further promote the development of nail bed inflammation, as they can lead to a deformation of the toenail.

If the toenail grows into the nail bed as a result, this forms a gateway for infections. Inflammation of the nail bed on the toe can occur both acutely and chronically. Chronic nail bed inflammation usually manifests itself by damage to several nails, which are more or less painful. Caution is always required when pus foci form.In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately, as in the worst case the inflammation can extend to the bone.