Risk side effects | Lumbar puncture to obtain cerebrospinal fluid

Risk side effects

Of course, every intervention also involves a risk. The doctor performing the surgery will do everything possible to avoid possible side effects. If the procedure is performed correctly, the risks are very low.

In general, however, discomfort may occur after the lumbar puncture. These include headaches, especially if patients have suffered from headaches or migraines in the past. In this case, the headaches are caused by the fact that the puncture creates a negative pressure.

Most often, the associated pain is localized at the back of the head and occurs especially when changing from lying down to sitting or standing upright. These headaches are not dangerous, as they usually disappear in less than 24 hours or after a few days without long-term consequences. In rare cases, temporary hearing loss may occur.

Preliminary examinations should rule out increased intracranial pressure, but if intracranial pressure is present, the brain stem may become constricted, which can cause brain damage. There may also be slight bleeding or bruising in the area where the lumbar puncture was performed. Another risk, which can be avoided in most cases by working carefully under sterile conditions, is the infection of the spinal canal with germs.

Since this can also play a role in wound healing, care should be taken to ensure that the wound is well covered by the sterile dressing. It is important that after a lumbar puncture one observes one’s own body closely with regard to any signs of inflammation (pain, fever) and consults the doctor in the event of such complaints. The lumbar puncture itself can be painful due to the penetration of the different layers, because not all layers can be reached by local anesthesia.

However, the lumbar puncture can also be performed in some patients with little pain. If the anxiety and fears before the procedure are too great, a medication can be administered in consultation with the physician, so that anxiety and pain can be contained.