Risks | MRT of the temporomandibular joint


An MRI examination is usually a low-risk examination method. Since the MRI, unlike an X-ray or a CT (computed tomography), works without ionizing radiation, the body is not exposed to harmful X-rays.This means that an MRI can be used without hesitation in children or pregnant women. In some cases, contrast medium is injected through a vein before the MRT. This can trigger allergies or intolerances, which can manifest themselves in the form of itching, rashes, nausea or palpitations.


The exact cost of an MRI of the temporomandibular joint cannot be determined exactly because it depends on various factors. On the one hand, the patient’s health insurance company is decisive, i.e. whether he is privately or publicly insured. In addition, other factors can be included in the costs: Usually, an MRI examination of the temporomandibular joint costs between 400€-800€. Since an X-ray image is often sufficient for a diagnosis, the patient must pay for the costs himself.

  • How many cutting patterns were made?
  • Was contrast medium used?
  • How long did the examination take?

Do I need contrast medium?

In an MRI of the temporomandibular joint, the administration of contrast medium is generally recommended, since the soft tissues can be better assessed with the help of the contrast medium. In particular, possible cysts or tumors in the area of the bone or surrounding muscles can be better differentiated. However, the administration of contrast medium also involves risks, as it can lead to allergies and kidney damage.

How far does the head have to go into the tube?

During an MRI examination of the temporomandibular joint, the patient moves head first into the tube until the complete head is safely inside the tube. Usually, the patient is therefore driven into the tube up to the upper body, so that one half of the body is inside the tube and the other half outside.