Risks | Muscle building and anabolic steroids


Taking anabolic steroids/anabolic steroids for the purpose of building muscle brings with it certain dangers and risks that you should know about and be informed about before using this performance enhancer.Long-term use of anabolic steroids can lead to physical and psychological dependence. The physical problems that can occur are an increased risk of heart attack and stroke and severe organ damage. Especially the liver can be severely damaged by the use of anabolic steroids, because the anabolic drug is broken down there.

The testicles in men, as well as the female genitals, can be damaged and exposed to a variety of side effects. When injecting the anabolic steroids with a cannula, large collections of pus can form at the injection site and the skin is also affected. Due to the increased muscle mass, the body needs more oxygen, which can affect the lungs and respiratory tract.

The entire metabolism of the body is out of balance. This is shown by increased sweat production and constant hunger. The body needs more and more energy to meet its needs.

The risk for other diseases increases drastically, because the own immune system is attacked and no longer protects the body one hundred percent. Due to the increased physical demands, high energy requirements and high metabolic activity, the risk of cardiac arrest is one of the most threatening health hazards. When taking anabolic steroids in women, especially during puberty, there is a risk that the female sexual characteristics will not develop fully and masculinization will occur due to the high testosterone levels.

The psychological dependence manifests itself in withdrawal symptoms, aggressive behaviour and can lead to severe depression. At these psychological and physical signs, use should be stopped immediately and a doctor consulted. However, it is best to keep your hands off anabolic steroids and attribute your training success to hard work. One of many ways to build muscle mass naturally and healthily is natural bodybuilding.