Rotator cuff rupture – exercises to imitate

In the case of a rotator cuff rupture, the exercises performed as part of conservative therapy or post-operative treatment are essential for the recovery process. The exercises, which are individually adapted to the condition of each patient, are designed to slowly bring the injured shoulder back to its full capacity by specifically improving mobility, stretching and strengthening the shoulder and restoring coordination and freedom of movement. It is important that the exercises are performed correctly and consistently.

Conservative treatment: exercises

As part of the conservative therapy of a rotator cuff rupture, numerous exercises for stretching, mobilization, strengthening and stabilization will be used. Two examples are listed below. 1 Strengthening the muscles For this exercise, the patient sits on a chair or stands up straight.

Now the palms of the hands are placed together in front of the body at chest level. The forearms are parallel to the floor if possible. Now the patient presses his palms together for 10 seconds as firmly as possible without pain.

Then release the tension and allow the arms to rest briefly, then perform two more passes. 2nd Mobilization of the shoulder During this exercise the patient sits on a chair. Both arms hang down loosely at the side.

The healthy hand encompasses the wrist of the affected arm in front of the body. Slowly, with the healthy arm, move the injured arm as far as possible in front of the body, but not above shoulder height for the time being, and slowly lower it again. 3 times 10 repetitions. More exercises can be found in the article: Exercises for the rotator cuff

Exercises with the Theraband

The Theraband is often used in the case of a rotator cuff rupture in order to strengthen and stabilize the injured shoulder. Various exercises can be carried out. 1st strengthening exercise: For the first exercise, the patient sits on a chair.

The Theraband is then placed under the thighs and gripped at the sides with the hands. At first the arms hang loosely next to the body. From this position, the patient now guides the arms sideways outwards so that the Thera band is stretched.

This tension is then held for 2 seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat 3 times 10 times. 2nd strengthening exercise: For the second exercise the patient sits in front of a table edge and stretches the Thera band around his wrists.

Now the elbows are placed on the table and the hands point upwards with the palms facing each other. Make sure that the spine forms a straight line during the exercise and the elbows are about shoulder width apart. Now the hands are led outwards against the tension of the Thera band.

Only so far that it does not hurt. The elbows do not move during the exercise. The tension is held for 2 seconds and then released again. 3 times 10 repetitions. You will find more exercises in the article: “Rotator cuff rupture – exercises to imitate” and “Training the rotator cuff”.