Rotten Tree


The medicinal drug is available as open goods in pharmacies and drugstores. Furthermore, various ready-to-use medicines with sloth tree bark extract are available.

Stem plant

The rotten tree from the family of buckthorn (Rhamnaceae) is a shrub or small tree, which is also native to Europe. As a synonym is also used.

Medicinal drug

Sloth tree bark (Frangulae cortex) is used as a medicinal drug. It is the dried, whole or crushed bark of the stems and branches of . The pharmacopoeia requires a minimum content of glucofrangulins. Extracts and powders are also prepared from the bark.


The active ingredients are hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides (anthranoids) such as glucofrangulin A and B and frangulin A and B. They are formed in this form only during drying and storage or during artificial aging under heat. Furthermore, tannins are contained in the medicinal drug.


The preparations made from the bark of the sloth tree have laxative properties. The effects are based on stimulating the movements of the colon. This leads to accelerated passage and reduced fluid absorption. At the same time, the secretion of water and electrolytes is stimulated. The active ingredients are prodrugs and are only biotransformed to the active metabolites by bacteria in the intestine.


  • For the short-term symptomatic treatment of constipation.
  • For complete bowel emptying, for example, before surgery.


According to the professional information. The drugs are usually taken in the evening before bedtime. The effect occurs after about 6 to 8 hours. The duration of therapy should be limited to a maximum of one to two weeks for self-medication.


Abuse is said to occur with chronic or high-dose use or when used as a slimming agent.


Full precautions can be found in the drug label.


Prolonged and high-dose use may lead to hypokalemia. This is a risk factor for the development of cardiac arrhythmias when combined with other drugs such as cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic agents.

Adverse effects

Possible adverse effects include digestive disturbances such as bloating and abdominal pain, and hypersensitivity reactions. The drugs may discolor urine yellow to reddish brown and cause habituation. Electrolyte disturbances such as hypokalemia may occur with regular use or abuse.