Sage: Applications and Uses

Used externally, sage leaves can be used to treat gingivitis and general inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Sage helps, for example, with pressure sores in the mouth caused by wearing dentures or braces, but also with pharyngitis associated with a sore throat. Due to the strong aromatic smell of sage, the leaves can also be used for bad breath.

Sage for internal use

Internal use of sage is suitable, on the one hand, for the therapy of digestive problems, on the other hand, to reduce excessive sweating secretion, for example, also in the occurrence of night sweats. When used internally, the plant has a digestive effect and therefore has soothing effects on upset stomach, flatulence and diarrhea.

Furthermore, in experimental studies, an inhibitory effect of sage on the herpes virus (herpes simplex) was observed.

Historical significance in medicine

The Latin name of the plant, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word “salvare”, which means “to heal”. The derivation of the name already shows the importance that sage has had in society for many centuries.

Already the ancient Egyptians used the plant against infertility and in ancient times sage was used for various ailments such as diarrhea and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Then, since the Middle Ages, sage was used to treat gingivitis, to aid digestion and as a cough suppressant.

Sage in folk medicine

Today, sage is used in folk medicine for weaning due to its inhibitory effect on milk production and is further said to have blood sugar-lowering and menstruation-promoting effects. However, this has not yet been scientifically proven.

Besides its medicinal use, sage is also used as a spice and in the food industry to delay the rancidity of fats in meat products.

In homeopathy, sage leaves are used for diseases of the central nervous system and disorders of sweat secretion.

Ingredients of sage

Sage leaves contain 1 to 2.5 percent essential oil with the main components of camphor, cineole, and α- and β-thujone. Tannins are also present in the leaves in larger quantities, as well as bitter compounds, triterpenes, flavonoids and steroids.

Sage: Indications

Sage is used for the following indications:

  • Mucosal inflammation
  • Sore throat
  • Gum inflammation
  • Bad breath
  • Indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence or upset stomach.
  • Excessive sweating, excessive perspiration or night sweats.
  • Herpes