Salt Balance: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Salt is the chemical name for a substance that results from the reaction of an acid with a base. There are three types of salt that are irreplaceable for human growth: Magnesium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride. For this reason, a healthy salt balance is irreplaceable for the body. Salts belong to the mineral resources and have been crystallizing in the earth or extracted from the sea for millions of years. 70% of the global salt production comes from mines (rock salt) and salt works (evaporated salt – from salt beds by evaporation of water). 30% of global salt production comes from the sea. Sea salt is referred to as “fresh” salt. In contrast to rock salt, which is called “old” salt due to its long storage.

What is the salt balance?

There are three types of salt that are irreplaceable for human growth: Magnesium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride. For this reason, a healthy salt balance is irreplaceable for the body. Our most important staple food is also called table salt or crystal salt and is formed from the combination of sodium with the gas chlorine = sodium chloride (NaCl). This salt has the taste that humans refer to by the term salty. The commercial designations are also table salt or table salt. This is refined salt that has been purified and bleached. Refined salt consists of 98% sodium chloride. Residues of chlorine and aluminum may remain in the salt, but the amounts are so small that they do not harm health. Those who switch to unrefined salt for this reason should make absolutely sure that an inspection of the ingredients has been carried out in order to avoid poisoning with harmful substances. Which additives are in the salt and whether it can be left in its natural state depends on the nature of the mining area. Harmless are clay, algae, ash or gypsum as well as mineral substances. Himalayan salt, for example, consists of 97% sodium chloride. Minerals and trace elements make up the rest. The refined products, at 98% sodium chloride, are only 1% poorer in minerals and trace elements.

Function and task

Salt is vital to humans and is the most widely consumed mineral. 150 to 300 grams of salt should be in the organism of an adult person, because it ensures that the body remains healthy. The components of salt cannot be produced by the human body itself. Without chloride, our digestion and respiration would not work. Without sodium our organism would not be able to transport nutrients and oxygen. It ensures that nerve impulses are passed on and muscles, including the heart muscle, are activated. At the beginning of the 19th century, scientific writings already showed that not only blood, tears, sweat and urine contain salt, but also sperm and almost every component of the human body. The human body consists of 70% water and electrolytes. Without water and salt, cells could not regenerate or absorb nutrients. They would dry out and die. The concentration of positively and negatively charged electrolytes dissolved in water is regulated by the so-called water-electrolyte balance. This includes the absorption and release as well as the distribution of fluid in the body. Through metabolism and activities, humans constantly lose fluid. To compensate for the loss, an adult human needs at least 2.5 liters of water daily, depending on weight, as well as 3 to 6 grams of salt. These quantities should be consumed orally in the form of beverages and food in order to remain healthy in the long term. The liquid is absorbed through the intestinal wall via the digestive tract. The main part, about 60% of the fluid, is needed by the cells, 30% is found in the vessels and the rest in various parts of the body, such as the eye and the tear fluid. Excretion is regulated by the kidneys and takes place in the form of urine, sweat, respiration and bowel movements. The amount depends on climatic conditions. In case of illness or sweaty sports, the daily loss of salt can be up to 20 grams.

Diseases and ailments

Salt deficiency can lead to physical complaints and deficiency symptoms. In extreme cases, blood pressure drops, which can lead to death.However, this occurs only in very rare cases due to the naturally occurring desire for salt and the fact that enough salt is available. On the other hand, excessive salt consumption has been held responsible for high blood pressure, but this has since been refuted by studies. Another argument against this is that excess salt leaves the body through sweating and collects in the kidneys to be excreted. Salt as a daily food can be used excellently for prophylaxis against diseases. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is added to some types of salt. It cannot be produced by the body itself and is found mainly in green leaves (lat. folium). An adequate supply can prevent arteriosclerosis and is especially important for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Other components can be iodine and fluorine, which can protect against iodine deficiency in the thyroid gland and against caries. However, it is important to note that all substances should not be consumed excessively at the same time.