Scarlet fever in the baby


Scarlet fever is a very contagious infectious disease, which mainly affects babies and small children. The triggering bacteria, so-called streptococci, are transmitted via tiny drops of saliva and can lead to symptoms such as fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, a specific skin rash, and headache and aching limbs. If the disease is diagnosed, antibiotic therapy must be initiated quickly to avoid possible secondary diseases or late damage such as rheumatic fever or acute kidney inflammation. General information can be found under: Scarlet fever, scarlet rash


Scarlet fever in babies is caused by an infection with bacteria of the genus Streptococcus. These bacteria are found in the saliva of every human being and are transmitted via the so-called droplet infection. Through sneezing, sniffing, coughing or speaking, the bacteria get into the ambient air and can penetrate the baby’s mucous membranes.

In many cases the infection is transmitted via a parent or sibling. Babies and children who are in close contact with a sick person are therefore particularly at risk. Scarlet fever can spread particularly quickly in communal facilities such as toddler groups or daycare centers.

The bacteria settle in the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat area and release certain toxins, so-called toxins, which eventually lead to the outbreak of scarlet fever. The babies’ own immune system arms itself against the toxin that has already caused scarlet fever. In case of a new infection with the same toxin, the body is immune and the typical symptoms of scarlet fever do not break out. However, there are different strains of streptococci, each of which produces different toxins. Another strain of streptococcus with a toxin that is not yet known to the body can therefore cause a new infection.


The first symptoms of scarlet fever usually appear after an incubation period of about 5 days. The diseased babies are conspicuous by their exhaustion, weakness in drinking and increased temperatures. In the first few days, the babies sometimes show up with discomfort, abdominal pain and vomiting.

The sick babies have severe sore throats and cannot swallow properly. This is because both the pharyngeal tonsils and the palate are very swollen and a reddish inflamed mouth and throat area becomes visible. In the course of the disease, small whitish spots appear on the pharyngeal tonsils, which may still be missing in the initial phase of the disease.

In addition, there is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat and jaw, which is accompanied by swelling and painful increase in size. In addition, there are changes in the skin. Starting from the groin region and the armpit area of the babies, a fine-spotted rash spreads over the entire body.

It is noticeable that the skin area around the mouth is not affected and appears clearly pale. This phenomenon, typical of scarlet fever, is also known as perioral paleness. After two to three days, the tongue of sick babies turns raspberry red and the taste buds located on the surface of the tongue swell and form prominent prominences.

Many sick babies also suffer from a purulent rhinitis or an inflammation of the middle ear, as the pathogens also accumulate in the posterior nasal passages and can thus lead to ascending infections. Besides scarlet fever, there are several other infectious diseases that can affect babies and children. Infections with measles or rubella also cause skin rashes that spread over various parts of the body and have a very specific appearance pattern.

In most cases, these rashes are perceived as particularly unpleasant as they are accompanied by severe, agonizing, unpleasant itching. The babies suffer greatly from the itching, are very weepy and difficult to calm down and begin to rub or scratch the affected skin areas to get relief. Learn more about rashes in children in general The typical rash in scarlet fever usually does not start itching.

This makes the healing process much easier, as babies are generally calmer and more satisfied. The typical skin rash that appears in scarlet fever usually begins on the second day of the illness. As a rule, it begins in the skin areas of the groin and armpit region and spreads from there, ascending towards the neck, over the entire body.Typically, the skin area around the baby’s mouth is left out.

The skin here appears pale and even. This phenomenon is also called perioral paleness. The rash on the rest of the body appears pale red at the beginning and pinhead-sized, closely spaced spots appear, which in most cases can be easily distinguished from each other and do not merge into each other.

After one or two days they turn scarlet red and in some areas merge into a diffuse rash. The stains are slightly raised and have a rough character. Unlike other rashes associated with infectious diseases in babies or children, such as measles or rubella, babies who have a rash as a result of scarlet fever do not suffer from excruciating itching.

After about 4-6 days, the rash slowly fades away again. During the healing phase, in most cases the baby’s palms and soles of the feet become scaly. This scaling only affects the superficial layers of skin.

Baby’s skin rash Since scarlet fever is an infectious disease, it is usually accompanied by high fever. The first symptoms of scarlet fever in babies are usually fever. The babies appear very sleepy, are knocked out, very tearful and show a distinct weakness in drinking.

The increased body temperature is a defense mechanism of the body’s own immune system to fight off the invading pathogens. At elevated temperatures, the reproduction of the pathogens is restricted and further spread is prevented. In sick children, high temperatures of up to 39° C can therefore occur, often accompanied by fever attacks and chills.

In the context of a scarlet fever in babies, some symptoms appear which are quite characteristic for the presence of the disease. The tongue looks rather pale at the beginning of the disease and is covered by a whitish coating. After two to three days, the coating comes off, the tongue swells and appears in a shiny raspberry red color. In addition, there is a swelling of the taste buds, which are distributed on the tongue. They look like small specks that protrude from the surface of the tongue.