Scarred forms of hair loss in children | Hair loss in children

Scarred forms of hair loss in children

Scarring forms of hair loss can be deep-seated fungal infections or blistering skin diseases such as Epidermolysis bullosa or Lichen ruber follicularis. Immune diseases such as lupus erythematosus can also cause scarring hair loss. A hereditary form of scarred hair loss is the Aplasia cutis congenita. Here, an ulcer is recognized after birth, which heals scarred and hairless.


Before therapy can be started, one should check whether there are inflammatory foci that could impair the success of the therapy and whether other metabolic diseases that could also be causative have been excluded. Depending on the severity and phase of the disease, one tries to proceed as systematically as possible. In the acute phase, a cream containing cortisone is applied to the affected skin areas.

After 4 – 6 weeks, one looks for the development of hair loss. If the condition persists, a therapy with the active substance dithranol is tried. Normally, one receives only short-term relief of the disease, because the relapse rate is very high.

In as many as 50% of the cases there is a spontaneous healing. Since the prognosis regarding a cure is not very high, psychotherapeutic counseling or care is also recommended, since the affected persons usually suffer very much from the consequences of hair loss. In addition, if necessary, one can take iron and zinc supplements for 3 – 6 months, since iron deficiency and zinc deficiency can also be the cause of hair loss or promote it. or accelerate hair growth


The diagnosis is made in conjunction with the collection of the medical history and the physical examination.The decisive factor for the diagnosis is the proof of the above mentioned characteristics of hair loss. Microscopically, an inflammatory change around the hair shaft can be detected, as well as the appearance of excessive telogen hair, which is a hair form determined in the hair cycle.